Monday, February 7, 2011

Compression Sleeve

A sleeve of elastic compression is a garment that is resilient to the arm and helps with pain and swelling caused by arm lymphedema. Sometimes a sleeve of compression is called a compression garment Sleeve arm Lymphedema compression sleeve or a pressure hose. A sleeve of compression can be worn during the exercise, when traveling by air, or when you need help managing lymphedema.

During breast cancer surgery, some of the lymph nodes can be removed and tested in a procedure called peformed dissection. This is an important step in checking for metastasis, such as cancer cells can break away from breast cancer and travel through the lymphatic system, accommodation in your lymph nodes. Your lymph node status is a very important part of your comprehensive diagnosis.

However, after removing the lymph nodes, you are at risk for developing arm Lymphedema, a condition that can cause swelling of the arm and hand surgery-hand. Let your doctor know if you are experiencing Lymphedema and try to get a referral to a Lymphedema therapist. An expert can help reps. from different types of compression sleeves. may need a prescription from your doctor, to file a complaint with your insurance company and help cover the cost of compression sleeves.

Compression sleeves are available in different weights and tissues, as well as a variety of colors. While some sleeves cover only your arm, others extend downwards on the handheld. If you have hand Lymphoedema, you can also get gloves and fingerless gloves that offer some compression. If you are worried about pulling a tight sleeve or concerned that the compass can slide down while you are doing the exercises of the arm, you can use some lightweight adhesive to retain the Sleeve in place or a lotion that helps you to slide the sleeve on more easily.


Lymphedema (PDQ ?): treatment of lymphedema. National Cancer Institute. Last modified: 04/01/2009.

Lymphedema: what every woman with breast cancer should know. American Cancer Society. Last update: 07/21/2008.

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