Monday, January 31, 2011

Ductogram (Galactogram)

Breast Ducts and Lobes in Cross Section ViewBreast ducts and lobes in cross-section ViewIllustration ? Pam Stephan Ductogram-Imaging Breast ducts: ductogram requires a contrast agent is injected in the chest, like during a breast MRI. A small tube (cannula) is used to put the fluid in the duct of the breast, ductal lavage as during. Contrast agent is injected allows the milk ducts to clearly show a mammogram. Ductography is a very specialised and is not available everywhere. A highly trained and experienced radiologist should make this procedure.You made your ductogram while you're having the nipple. This helps to find the specific product that is losing the radiologist. Only the tube that carries out the fluid will be tested during your study of imaging. The day of your ductogram, do not use talcum powder, deodorant or skin lotion. These can interfere with the results of imaging. Dress for comfort, as you will be asked to remove all your clothes from the waist up. Choose a top loose that is easy to remove and replace. If possible, avoid wearing a bra of underwire, because you will have a mammogram with compression as part of this review. Your breasts may be a bit sore after examination and a soft-Cup Bras will feel more comfortable than a wired bra. To get started with your Ductogram: In one room, will lie down on the table and find the breast that has the nipple. Will be cleaned and sterilized so that it is easier to find the led that is losing the nipple. Subsequently, your doctor will press on your chest, to find the area of triggers. The trigger area is the area that will constantly nipple when pressure is applied. If the ducts are surgically removed, this trigger will be useful for the surgeon. Test Your nipple discharge: a sample of your exhaust fluid will be taken and tested. Color and thickness will be annotated, and a strip of test can be used to test your blood. Bloody discharge is associated with ductal ectasia depigmented, intraductal, cystic disease and breast cancer.Insertion of the tube and contrast agent: once you've identified the nipple duct and sampling, your physician will use magnifying glasses to see the specific product. Inserts a tiny and flexible tube, called a cannula, gently right into this duct in your nipple. Light pressure will be used and should not produce any pain, but if it does, you should ask your doctor. The tube will be registered on the site and then connected to a small syringe filled with contractual agent. This will be injected slowly in your supply of milk. Your doctor will take care to avoid air bubbles in the tubing, as that would throw off the resulting image.You may be wondering what this will look – and if you've ever breastfed, there will be a feeling of familiarity. A complete duct contrast agent feel an erudite full of milk, before the baby was fed. On the other hand, if your nipple starts bad, or the pressure inside the duct is painful, there are several things that your doctor can do to help. Warm compresses or anesthetic gel can be applied to make it more comfortable. Your doctor does not want to cause pain, and if you are tense, can delay or prevent the review proceeding. Speak up if you feel pain!With the tube still in place, your doctor may use an ultrasound machine to see if fluid was injected sufficient contrast. When your conduct is quite complete, you can proceed in mammography imaging machine. Some doctors will remove the tube and put tape over the nipple, to maintain the contrast agent inside the duct, and some doctors will leave the tube in place. Your breasts will be positioned as a mammogram and bottom pressure usually will be applied when the image is taken. If air bubbles or the pipe is in terms of image, may be taken other corners.Get results from your Ductogram: the radiologist carefully images from your ductogram study and write a report on the results. Your physician or radiologist will contact you about the results, giving a diagnosis and follow-up recommendation. If you are having surgery to remove the learned or nearby tissue, it can be done a preoperative ductogram, with the addition of blue dye (similar to a sentinel node biopsy), to help your surgeon to see the led that must be removed.

sources: American Cancer Society. Overview: breast cancer. If you suspect that the breast cancer. Revision: 09/26/2007.

Radiographics. 2001; 21: 133-150. Ductography: how and what if? S. Horatio Slawson, MD and Bradley a. Johnson, MD.

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MRI and treatment decisions

MRI MachineMRI MachineIllustration ? A.d.a.m. Eva was diagnosed with a tumor invasive breast cancer of 3 cm. As part of its diagnostic workup, had two breast MRIs, made to help the surgeon to see if any tumor cells from the primary tumor had scattered (had) so that he could be sure of getting clean surgical margins (did). Her MRI created a three-dimensional image of the tumor, revealing that he was not 3 cm, as her mammogram revealed, but was, indeed, 5 cm, who changed his plans of treatment-– and his life.

In order to help you understand more about using MRIs and treatment decisions, I looked at what the experts say in UpToDate--a trusted electronic reference that is used by many Oncologists who treat patients with breast cancer.

It may or may not be necessary a breast MRI. But you must know the size, extent and location of your cancer. Start by reading this excerpt to see why a breast MRI may be important to you.

Diagnosis of cancer: a discussion of breast MRI by UpToDate

"magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a powerful magnet to create a detailed picture of a body part. Does not use x-rays or radiation. Breast MRI may be recommended to assist in the diagnosis of breast cancer in selected situations. MRI is not recommended to detect breast cancer in women, because it is not as good as a mammogram for certain conditions, such as breast ductal carcinoma in situ (a kind of early breast cancer or non-invasive).

The role of breast MRI in the diagnosis and management of breast cancer is evolving, and there is disagreement about what women should undergo breast MRI in addition to mammography.

What is a Breast MRI?
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive imaging technique that does not use no compression, x-rays or radiation. An MRI creates a detailed picture of the internal architecture of your breast tissue. Most of the MRI machines produce a digital image as a radiologist may examine on a computer or print for Study. This image can be done with or without the use of contrast agent.

Why Breast MRIs are used as part of a diagnostic Workup?
You've already had a mammogram and perhaps an ultrasound and biopsy. A breast MRI could happen even for some patients, to get more information on your cancer, or to see if tumors respond to treatment. Mammograms are far less expensive than those MRIs and are good at detecting HIGH-GRADE DCIS and calcifications. Breast MRI can image both breasts simultaneously and also works well with dense breast tissue. Is good at finding invasive cancer, breast imaging around and catch the eventual spread of cancer beyond the primary tumor. A breast MRI is also effective in finding unsuspected author about breast cancer in the other, which would allow early treatment of cancer both sites at once. For women at high risk of breast cancer, an MRI would be a good way to screen completely breasts and armpits.

Who might need a breast MRI?
Mammography is still the primary method of screening for breast cancer and breast MRI is used mainly as a supplement for a mammogram. For young women with BRCA mutated, MRI can be used as screening for breast cancer, see inside dense breast tissue which otherwise might hide masses. In breast MRI diagnostic use, can be used in these circumstances: If a woman has swollen lymph node armpit, but does not amount to breast mass on a mammogram, and an MRI can be used to carefully examine your breasts to see if there is a small tumor cells and may have shed to axillary nodes. For a newly diagnosed women with dense breasts, mammography may not give enough guidance to the surgeon. So an MRI can be done to get more information about architecture. When the biopsy results indicate a tumor larger than a mammogram reveals, an MRI can help delineate the size and location of the tumor. This will affect your decision as regards the amount of tissue should be removed –-Lumpectomy or mastectomy. If it seems that there is more of a tumor in the breast itself, an MRI can help the image size and spatial relationship of more tumors and help in planning surgery the right to remove such injuries.Message to bring home
Before making a decision on what to have surgery, you and your surgeon need as much accurate information as possible about your cancer. If you have a clear diagnosis of DCIS and mammography gives a good picture of your tumor, then your surgeon will probably has all the information you need to remove the tumor. But if the mammogram doesn't provide enough detail, or if your surgeon or radiologist has more concerns about the size and location of the cancer, and can benefit from a breast MRI.

As regards the Eva, you chose to participate in a clinical trial and has taken a new drug that has greatly reduced its tumor, before having breast surgery. He also had MRI guided biopsy, which revealed satellite lesions. Fortunately, these other injuries disappeared during chemotherapy. Her MRI was a key part of her treatment decisions.

Want to know more? For more in-depth medical information, current and unbiased on breast cancer, including recommendations of expert physician, see topic of UpToDate, "Breast Cancer Diagnosis: A discussion of breast MRI,".


Diane MF Savarese, Leah K Moynihan, "diagnosis of breast cancer: a discussion of breast MRI," UpToDate. Access: February 2009.

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Intraductal Papillomas

Intraductal PapillomaEnciclopedia PapillomaIllustration ? ADAM intraductal doctors what's an Intraductal Papilloma?: an intraductal papilloma is a small wart as breast tissue growth that sometimes splits a duct. These benign tumors are composed of fibrous tissue and blood vessels. Intraductal depigmented grow inside of the milk ducts of the breast and nipple can cause benign. Intraductal depigmented feel what?: mif intraductal papilloma have only one and is near or next to a nipple, it may feel like a small lump. Intraductal solitary depigmented usually occur in the milk ducts great near the nipple. When one of these breaks a duct, it can cause an unclear or bloody nipple, which is usually not serious. If you have more depigmented, they usually occur deeper inside your breasts and cannot easily be heard. A group of depigmented as this does not cause the nipple.If you find a small lump near the nipple and see some discharge, keep an eye on it. If it does not grow, and cease discharge, chances are that is benign. See your doctor or nurse practitioner for a clinical breast examination, or if you want to have the fluid tested. If the lump is big enough to make you feel, you can easily have a needle biopsy of fact and the tissue sample examined. You can also consider having the lump photographed, a technique called a ductogram. What is a Ductogram (Galactogram)?: a ductogram, or galactogram, is an imaging study carried out in particular on the milk duct system. To start the procedure, a patient must tighten a little small for discharge from the nipple, so the radiologist can see exactly which dotto was leaking. Once you conduct, the radiologist inserts a needle gently very well the cable duct and contrast inserts some liquid in network duct. This liquid contrast will be shown on a mammogram and track related products. The resulting image can help you to discover the cause of your nipple. Intraductal depigmented types:
There are two types, and a related condition: intraductal solitary depigmented – a lump, usually near a nipple, nipple causes more depigmented – groups of lumps, nipple, away from a usually doesn't cause discharge and cannot be considered Papillomatosis – very small groups of cells within the learned, a type of hyperplasia, scattered over the most papillomasHow are Carcinomas depigmented treated?: mintraductal depigmented can be surgically removed if they are annoying. A small incision is made along the edge of your areola, then its duct papilloma and are removed. The resulting scar is almost undetectable.Intraductal depigmented do increase the risk for breast cancer?: having depigmented intraductal solitary does not increase the risk of breast cancer, unless they are composed of other conditions, such as atypical hyperplasia. If you have more depigmented or Papillomatosis, the risk of developing breast cancer is slightly increased. If (zSbL

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Arm Exercises

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Braccio esercizi erano l'ultima cosa sulla mia mente dopo mio mastectomia. Mia portata al recupero volontario dimostrato gli esercizi post-chirurgica braccio a me e descritto i propri problemi di spalla dopo il suo intervento al seno. Mi sentivo bene, cos? ho saltato facendo gli esercizi--una cattiva decisione. Lentamente, ho sviluppato una spalla congelata e quindi un chiaro caso di linfedema. Non fare il mio errore. Parlare al vostro medico la disponibilit? a fare questi esercizi di braccio e poi cominciare a spostare delicatamente la strada verso la ripresa. Se hai avuto chirurgia del seno, rimozione dei linfonodi o radiazioni della mammella, si dovr? fare alcuni esercizi per aiutarvi a recuperare. Esercizi di braccio possono aiutarvi a ridurre gli effetti collaterali del trattamento e si tornare alle normali attivit?.

Chirurgia del seno pu? influenzare l'intervallo di movimento nel vostro braccio e la spalla. Una mastectomia, nodulectomia o ricostruzione della mammella cambia il tuo saldo e colpisce la circolazione linfatica e nervi. Questi a sua volta pu? portare a spalla rigidit? e problemi con la balneazione, Vestizione e governare. Quando sono stati rimossi i linfonodi, si pu? sviluppare alcuni linfedema mano o il braccio. Esercizi, e in alcuni casi, bussole di pressione possono aiutare a prevenire e alleviare questi effetti collaterali.

Radiazione del seno pu? cambiare la facilit? con cui si respira, come pure influenzano il braccio e la spalla durante e parecchi mesi dopo il trattamento. Perch? la radiazione della mammella a volte pu? influenzare i polmoni, gli esercizi di respirazione profonda possono essere necessaria per aiutarvi a ritrovare la vostra capacit? polmonare completo. Se il braccio e la spalla sono interessati allo stesso modo, gli esercizi di braccio possono aiutare allentare e allungare i muscoli e tessuti connettivi.

Assicurarsi di discutere i piani di esercizio con il vostro medico prima di iniziare. Il medico si pu? riferirsi a un terapista fisico o un Reach per recupero volontario, in modo che si pu? imparare il modo corretto di braccio esercizi.

Attendere fino a quando i canali di scolo chirurgici sono fuori per iniziare l'esercizio. Non vi ? alcuna necessit? di ceppo stitch l'azienda che mantiene il tubo di drenaggio in posto sul tuo petto. Se il tuo petto incisione dei punti sono ancora in vigore, spostare delicatamente nell'esercizio per evitare lo strappo la pelle o causando l'incisione di piega. Una volta che gli scarichi sono andati e i punti sono fuori, ? possibile avviare l'esercizio (come ti senti in grado). Non uno qualsiasi degli esercizi fino al punto di dolore.

Per qualsiasi esercizio routine, buona preparazione ti aiuta a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi di esercizio. Si desidera recuperare il movimento del braccio, ridurre il dolore e gonfiore e ritorno alle normali attivit?. Qui ci sono alcune cose da tenere a mente prima di iniziare: indossare vestiti sciolto e confortevole per esercizio. Non si tratta di guardare bene; si tratta di sentirsi meglio e spostare facilmente. Provare a prendere una doccia calda o una vasca di sosta prima di iniziare gli esercizi a rilassare i muscoli. Questo pu? anche ridurre il dolore. In alternativa, provare a prendere ibuprofene circa 30 minuti prima dell'esercizio. Pu? anche aiutare un pacchetto caldo sulla vostra spalla per 20 minuti. Fare gli esercizi lentamente e dolcemente--stai andando per un buon tratto, non un'ustione o un nuovo record di velocit?. Il dolore ? un segnale che dovrebbe fermare, riposare o lavorare pi? dolcemente. Ricordarsi di attacco e stacco respirare profondamente mentre stanno esercitando. Devi gonfiare i polmoni, portando ossigeno nel vostro corpo, poi rilassarsi e respirare. ? normale sentire alcuni tenuta nel tuo petto e ascella dopo chirurgia del seno, e dove sono stati tagliati i nervi, si pu? sentire intontito. Esercizio delicatamente contribuir? ad alleviare queste sensazioni.Qualsiasi buon esercizio di routine devono essere regolari, cos? costruire questo nella programmazione. Ritirate due volte al giorno quando si pu? passare attraverso una serie di esercizi di braccio. Riprodurre musica calmante, positivo mentre si allunga. Ripetere ogni esercizio 5 a 7 volte, facendo come correttamente, come si pu?. Come si recupera, ? possibile aggiungere le ripetizioni o allungare un po' pi? lontano. Se non si possono fare gli esercizi, o sono dolorose, consultare il proprio medico. E se non noterete alcun miglioramento nel movimento del braccio di esercizio, ottenere il vostro medico per valutare la vostra gamma di movimento e discutere le vostre opzioni. ? possibile ottenere le braccia e le spalle di nuovo in movimento, ma ci vuole tempo. Non rinunciare.


Esercizi dopo chirurgia del seno. American Cancer Society. Accesso: Giugno 2009; Ultimo aggiornamento: 30/07/2008.

Esercizio e linfedema secondario: sicurezza, i benefici potenziali e temi di ricerca. SC Hayes, Reul-Hirche H, Turner j Med Sci Sports Exerc. Mar 2009; 41 (3): 483-9.

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Clinical Breast Exam Steps

The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends that women from 20 to 39 get a clinical breast examination (CBE) once every three years during their annual visit well-woman. Your primary physician can make one to each annual check-up. When you are older and 40, the ACS recommends that you get a CBE annually. Having a clinical breast examination is a great way to keep an eye on your breast health, and many doctors prefer to perform a first refers to a mammography screening.

Your primary care doctor, obstetrician/gynecologist or Nurse practitioner can make your EPC for you. If you are seeing an oncologist, a doctor or nurse can perform clinical breast examination at any time, you need to. Although there are certain rules to procedures of clinical breast examinations, some health workers have their own variations on the examination.

Know what to expect during a clinical breast examination can help you prepare. Your appointment of CBE is a good time to ask questions about any breast health concerns you have. If you need to learn how to make your monthly breast self-exam, ask some coaching during this visit.

As you might bring a record of your menstrual cycle, a list of medications you take regularly and others health record that can affect your breast health. Dress comfortably, clothing that can be removed from the waist up. Try to wear a sports bra or other soft bra that pressure on her breasts, in case you feel a little race after the exam.

Let's look at some of the steps of a clinical breast examination.

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A quadrantectomy is a type of breast cancer surgery. It is also called a partial or segmental mastectomy. A quadrantectomy requires the removal of more breast tissue than Lumpectomy, but the majority of your breast.

Quadrantectomy-a Breast-conservation
During a quadrantectomy, the surgeon removes a quarter of your chest. The surgeon will bring out the tumor and 2-3 cm of surrounding breast tissue, to be sure that the margins surrounding the tumor are clear of cancer. Skin lying during that quarter of thy womb, and also removes some of the muscles of the chest wall, under the tumor, also may need to take. Lymph nodes that are closer to the tumor is removed and tested for cancer cells, how will your cancer, skin and tissue around the tumor. You may need a drain to help with healing after surgery.

Dealing with a new form
A quadrantectomy will change the size and shape of your breasts. After recovery, you can enter some additional padding in your bra to balance your appearance. You can also have a plastic surgeon to remodel the chest in a smaller size, with a natural form, and this is best done before starting any other treatments such as radiation or chemotherapy. Radiation will change the texture of the skin in the area during the surgery, and chemotherapy your body may not have the resources to properly heal from surgery. Your skin will have a scar incision and will change in texture, but if the cure for the engraving, it fades in a small line with time.

Restoring symmetry
After surgery, your breasts will no longer be a matching pair. If you want to balance the size of your chest post-surgical intact with your chest, you might consider having a breast reduction breast made healthy. This would also balance the weight of your breasts to the muscles of the chest and back.

If the tumor is large, or is a type of invasive cancer, mastectomy may be needed.

American Cancer Society. Step-by-step guide: breast cancer. Surgery for breast cancer. Revision: 09/13/2007.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Benign Nipple Discharge

-Drugs Benign nipple can be caused by birth control pills, or other common medications such as sedatives. This nipple can be Milky in appearance.

Infection- Sometimes an infection can cause the nipple. Your doctor can take a sample of the fluid discharge, and send it to a laboratory for testing. If an infection is found, you may need to take antibiotics to clear it.

Mastitis- If you are breastfeeding and becomes a clogged milk duct may cause mastitis. Milk collects behind a clogged duct, causing swelling and pressure. This can lead to infections, how bacteria can grow in the milk trapped. Your chest can turn pink and may feel tender and lumpy. You could see pus discharge from your nipple. Consult your doctor if you think the mastitis could be your problem.

Lumpy and dense texture Breast- If the breast tissue is dense and usually lumpy (cysts, fibroadenomas) you can see sticky nipple discharge green or brown.

Intraductal depigmented- A small wart as growth in the breast tissue can sometimes puncture a duct. Do not be alarmed – these depigmented carcinomas are common in premenopausal women and can occur in groups. Intraductal depigmented can be removed surgically, if they become bothersome.

Pregnancy- During pregnancy, breast tissue is maturing and preparing for breastfeeding. You can see clear or milky discharge (colostrum), which is normal.

Mammary duct Ectasia- In some women approaching menopause, milk ducts can become swollen and clogged. These ducts are just below the nipple and the swelling can cause the nipple to feel tender or irritated and nipple. Mammary duct ectasia may cause gray and green discharge that is thick and sticky. You can get relief from this condition by using hot packs, but if the problem persists, consult your doctor. If your ducts are infected, you may need to take antibiotics. In cases when the learned shall not return to normal size, can be surgically removed, without causing a major change in the appearance of your chest.

other causes of nipple benign: A thyroid malfunction can cause Milky nipple. Clothing scratchy or Bras which do not fall, constantly rubbing or compressed your chest, can also cause the nipple. A breast abscess, usually below areola, may cause the nipple, signaling a bacterial infection. source: National Cancer Institute. Information on changes in the breast: A health guide for women. PDF File. August 2004.

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Pink Ribbon Roundup

Spacious, soft and comfortable, a ArmPocket can go together with you, when you run for the cure, do a triathalon or a marathon fundraising. La rosa Aero ArmPocket 10 has 10 cubic inches of storage in three internal pockets and a slip in your pocket. Two bracelets can be scaled from 10 to 16 inches, to adapt your upper arm. Sure, you can keep your phone, MP3 player, cash, keys and small snacks in this appliance water resistant pink or purple. Made from recycled materials and soft natural bamboo rayon, the ArmPocket goes anywhere you want to go.  Armpocket enterprises will donate 10% of the purchase price of rose ArmPockets 10 for Aero the breast cancer Fund.

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Research supports the safety of breast fat transfer-American health and beauty (press release)


In a new article, researchers examined data regarding the chest fat transfer and increased risk of breast cancer.

fat transfer safety
Model photos

For women wanting breast volume added but does not want the implant scars and foreigners used in traditional breast augmentation is a preferred alternative natural breast enhancement. These procedures use the patient's fat which is transferred within after removal by liposuction. Some question the safety of these procedures, however, as there is little known about the long-term effects of relocation of grease.

A new study published in the January issue of the American Society of aesthetic plastic surgery (ASAPS) cosmetic surgery Journal examines differences in the clinical laboratory of the scientific literature and determined on the basis of the natural breast enhancement. The authors have found looking at published clinical experience with over 2000 patients that there is no increased risk of developing metastasis or recurrence of breast cancer with fat transfer to the breast.

In this article, the authors explore the issues and find discrepancies in data between the laboratory and the clinic can be explained with artificial conditions, often used in laboratory studies.

Christopher Calhoun, CEO Cytori Therapeutics Therapeutics, manufacturer of processing of fat and PureGraft systems Celution, said in a press release, "there is increased demand for our technologies and this patient and physician careful review supports our view that our recommended fat grafting techniques are safe in the breast. We will continue to conduct our security research and analyze data from outside sources for Cytori Therapeutics, as part of legislative progress and the final adoption of our products. "

related topics: Cytori Therapeutics | Relocation of grease | PureGraft | Celution | Natural Breast Augmentation | Breast Augmentation | ASAPS | Liposuction

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Estrogen may protect against Alzheimer's disease? -Newswise (press release)

Newswise — an article by influential journal advances in neurobiology provided one of the first comprehensive reviews of how potentially estrogen may protect against Alzheimer's disease and other neurological diseases.

Article by senior author Lydia DonCarlos, PhD, and colleagues detail how estrogen "decreases the risk and delay the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia, and may also improve recovery from traumatic neurological lesions, such as stroke."

The article has recently reached the milestone of having been mentioned 500 times scholarly articles, books, theses, abstracts, etc., according to a count of Google Scholar.

Another index of Web of Science Citation, of Thomson Reuters, has counted 471 citations to the article. In comparison, the average number of citations to other documents on Neuroscience and behavior, published the same year is 34.5.

Article by DonCarlos, "Neuroprotection of estradiol," was published in January 2001. (Oestradiol is a type of estrogen). Since the publication, more data on women's health initiative and other studies have refined understanding of the scientists, the benefits and risks of exposure to estrogen, said DonCarlos. DonCarlos, a neuroendocrinologist at the health system of Loyola University, has written articles for later revision of estrogen and the brain.

Estrogen may protect against dementia and other neurological disorders, decreasing the inflammatory responses and strengthening the capacity of cells to survive an injury. "It is a natural way to the brain protect itself, given that the brain is normally estrodial neuroprotective in response to injury," said DonCarlos.

But there are also risks. Women's health initiative found that taking estrogen and progestin increased the risk of heart disease, blood clots, stroke, breast cancer.

DonCarlos and other researchers are studying agents called selective estrogen receptor Modulators (SERMs) that could potentially provide the benefits of estrogen without risk. Such an agent is tamoxifen, which reduces the risk of breast cancer by blocking estrogen receptors in breast. In the bones, tamoxifen has the opposite effect by acting like estrogen. This has the beneficial effect of reducing the risk of osteoporosis, said DonCarlos.

"We are trying other SERMs that potentially could help protect the brain, without increasing the risk of breast cancer or other adverse effects," said DonCarlos.

Most studies suggest that estrogen has beneficial effects on cognitive function, DonCarlos added. "But we still have a lot of research before recommending the use of estrogens in the clinic for this purpose".

DonCarlos is a professor in the Department of cell and Molecular Physiology Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of medicine. His co-authors of the book of 2001 are Luis Miguel Garcia-Segura (first author), Professor at the Institute of Cajal in Madrid and past President of the Spanish society of neuroscience and I?igo Azcoitia, Associate Professor of biology at the University Complutense of Madrid.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Age of cancer: we can reliably estimate and apply this knowledge? -Cancer Network

In their article, Patrone et al. use a modified version of Collins ' right to estimate the age of colorectal cancer, lung and breast cancer. Bill Collins, who claims that the likelihood of recurrence of a tumor is equal to the patient's age at diagnosis more than 9 months, has been applied mainly to pediatric cancers, tumours in particular embryonic.[1.2] the results of applying the law of Collins ' of these tumors were reasonable, although exceptions have been reported and the law is not applicable to all types of cancer.[3.4] its use in adults as used in this document is therefore unique.

The current study is based on the assumption of a constant growth of the cancer after surgery, that the authors admit is a potential limitation. Bias may also have been introduced into the patient selection "only surgery", especially those from retrospective studies, although the impact of this probably is diminished by the fact that older studies used were in most cases (probably from a time when there was less use of multimodal therapy that currently there is no). Finally, there is heterogeneity in tumor recurrence time based on the remaining burden after resection and intensity of follow-up. Some of these concerns are addressed by the use of mainly authors and prospective studies finding no difference between the rate of recurrence in retrospective studies and saw that in future studies, despite the differences in absolute terms.

Despite these limitations, the study concept is novel and extremely interesting. Still, the application of the results remains unclear. From the point of view of medical care, knowing the "age" of a tumor is unlikely to change management. The patient receives a new diagnosis of cancer, while this knowledge may relieve the anxiety about the emergency treatment, it may exacerbate the anxiety of the variety "what if". For example, a patient who has just said that his cancer is probably 5 to 6 years may berate herself with thoughts along the lines of "if only he had or hadn't done x then it would be in this situation right now."

One potential application of the results of the study, from the medical point of view is that you can perform a retrospective review of patient's contact with the health system during the period of the estimated age of his tumor. There were subtle physical exam or imaging findings that could be attributed to the patient's tumor reliably and applied to future patients to facilitate earlier diagnoses and, hopefully, a more favourable outcome? However, a less positive side of this potential application in our current environment of medicolegal is the possibility of increased risk of litigation due to perceived negligence (e.g., "Doctor X lost my Cancer 3 years ago").

As stated earlier, the conclusions of this article are based on the assumption of a constant growth rate of breast cancer after surgery and as a result, patients treated with chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or radiation were excluded because of the potential of these therapies to alter the kinetics of growth. While the need for internal validity study estimating the age of a given cancer, this patient population limitation makes it difficult to use the results to determine the prognosis or longevity of postoperative follow-up after resection except in patients treated with surgery only. For all three cancers selected for this study (breast, lung and colon-rectum), a significant number of patients being treated with hormone therapy, radiation or chemotherapy adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy. It would be interesting to know the growth rates in these settings, and be able to provide a reasonable interval after which the recurrence is highly unlikely. We can then adapt the intensity of our follow-up accordingly. However, I imagine that these would be difficult to estimate given responses varied multimodal therapy of tumours.

Patrone et al. conclude that "age" typical of a tumor at diagnosis is about 5-6 years, while for lung and rectal cancer is 3-4 years, based on the time of occurrence in most patients. For these and many other types of cancer, the current standard is run fairly intensive clinical follow-up to the first 5 years after the first round of treatment. Subsequently, if there is no evidence of the disease recurring, cautiously consider the patient recovered and decrease the intensity of our vigilance. This period of five years neatly aligns with the time observed in this study. While this is reassuring, does not change the current paradigm.

Finally, the authors cite perhaps lead a similar analysis resected metastatic lesions and make inferences about their "age" than for the primary tumor. This knowledge would be extremely valuable to guide clinical decision making, especially now when increasingly aggressive metastasectomies are executed. Once again, however, this analysis would be difficult to interpret given our current multimodal therapeutic and unpredictable effects on tumor growth kinetics.

Overall, this book presents a concept interesting, exciting, but it is uncertain how the authors best results can be exploited.

financial reporting : the author has no significant financial interests or other relationships with producers of goods or supplier of any of the services referred to in this article.

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Breast implants linked to cancer rare but

The Food and Drug Administration is warning against breast implants and is investigating a possible link between breast implants and anaplastic large cell lymphoma.  U.s. health regulators that women who have saline or silicone gel implants may be an increased risk for a rare and serious cancer.

The concerns are investigated by the FDA for 34 cases nationally and 60 cases worldwide ALCL have been reported since 1997. Although there have always been warnings of a possible connection breast implants and breast cancer, it is a pity that we had to wait so long for this disease other connected to be studied.

According to an article on MSNBC, FDA believes the prostheses are still safe in General, but the data suggest that the cancer can develop a scar capsule near the plant.  ALCL objectives of the immune system, and the FDA is asking health workers to report any confirmed cases of this type of cancer found in patients with breast implants.

This is certainly frightening news for those who already have breast implants, and this writer wonders whether it will be because of a break in women who are currently seeking to get breast implants.

Photo: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

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Dr. Susan love breast cancer and lesbian: OP-ED-SheWired

Whenever I speak to a specific event for lesbians, this is the first question that inevitably I am asked to respond: is it true that lesbians are more at risk of getting cancer of the breast?
The root of this issue of dates back to 1993 and a lesbian cancer researcher that lesbians could be--two-three times more likely to develop breast cancer than women heterosexual. This was due primarily to three risk factors of breast cancer that seemed to be more prevalent among lesbians: drinking alcohol, overweight and not being pregnant.
At the time, there was virtually no research on breast cancer and lesbians. And this is really what the researcher Suzanne Haynes, was trying to draw attention — the need to study this group of women. The good thing is that, as a result of its work, these studies are now being made. The bad thing is that this situation has led to the news that screamed "1 in 3 lesbians get breast cancer" and a great fear and concern.

Dr. Love and his army of women

There is nothing to be lesbian, per se, that puts you at greater risk of developing breast cancer. But some of the factors identified in the community that Haynes lesbian lifestyle were and remain a problem. However, there are things you can do to solve them:
• Studies have shown that being overweight not only puts you at greater risk of getting breast cancer, but being less likely to survive the disease. So if you're overweight, make this the year you decide to do something to eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise more. It is not necessary to run a marathon. Just start walking around the block a few times instead of sitting down to watch TV.

• Drinking more beverage a day just isn't good for you — for many reasons. We all know that lesbians tend to meet in bars. But just because you're in a bar, doesn't mean you have to drink alcohol. Start looking for a non-alcoholic drink with one alternate.

more information on next page ...

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Breast Screening annual supported by new study-mass

Highlights of important and interesting in the world of health.

MassDevice On Call

MASSDEVICE ON CALL — breast screening annual supported by new study. An analysis by researchers at the University of Colorado and the University of Michigan decision 2009 the US Preventive Services Task Force of breast cancer screening to deprioritize suggests that the Advisory Commission may have ignored evidence that more frequent mammograms save more lives. Researchers have studied some of the risk models used by the USPSTF guidelines her controversial breast cancer screening, reports Reuters.

Germany block payments to global health fund after AP report Ministry of development of Germany said that it will suspend all payments from a global health fund 21.7 billion, until it gets answers on allegations of bribery that had been raised in the articles from The Associated Press, reported the AP.

Plan launching Republicans rolled back health reform Two House committees will begin their dissection of the law, examining its cost and its impact on the economy. Republicans in both Chambers also plan to introduce dozens of bills this week face rollback of various parts of the law of Political reform, reports.

State of the Union recapAs promised, President Obama has touched only briefly on healthcare in the State of the Union. However, the talk includes some great announcements, including Word that the President will embrace tort reform and cut some additional reporting required by the health care reform law. But there was so much skepticism and resistance over tort reform promise of Obama.

You can read the reaction — or subtle lack of a response — from the usual suspects: PhRMA, loves and BIO.

health is investing Missteps inA breakdown of venture capital investing, with a health declaration tell about health.

Due to this trend, health care, investors have become like the African Safari hunters, stalking less ' big game ' occupies the largest elephant gun '-minimum investment size and output requirements. One reason this was possible was that some segments of the healthcare market, pharma, for example, at a CAGR of 10.1% – have expanded even faster than VC Fund size.

Healthcare, however, is less like the African safari and more like the rainforest is a dense ecosystem filled with a huge number of small animals. The market is not suitable to produce small elephant absolute returns is suitable for a high volume of small businesses that produce returns more frequent and smaller than device or biotech.

In this way, you get the problem of gun elephant in the rainforest: companies and funds are structured to minor and major investments in major markets as absolute returns and biotech devices, but the healthcare IT market is more suitable for investment that yields its high but relatively small absolute returns.

new FDA guidance for pharma. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has revised its guidance on the process of validating and changes "could be enormous."

best cities for hospital careHealthGrades released its list of the 50 best cities for hospital care. West Palm Beach, Florida, was the first, followed in the order from Brownsville, Texas; Dayton, Ohio; Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota; and Tucson, Arizona.

Kenneth Frazier to defend. The failure of vorapaxar it is not the fault of the CEO of Merck.

Dealflow and moreAmgen acquired BioVex for $ 1 billion; brain therapy device company Nexstim generated from 15.4 million; biotech-based protein Promosome raised $ 4.1 million; medical genetics company, RainDance technologies raised $ 37.5 million; Teladoc telehealth business generated $ 4 million.

a proposal to redesign the medical data. The wired Executive Editor Thomas Goetz urges the creation of a way to use the medical data to empower people to change their behavior.

This report has been used material from MedCity News.

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Fat grafting Security Review published; Clinical experience shows no increase in ...-Medical News Today (press release)

Main category: breast cancer
Also included is: cosmetic medicine/plastic surgery
Article date: January 26, 2010-5: 00 PST window. fbAsyncInit = function () {FB. init ({appId: ' aa16a4bf93f23f07eb33109d5f1134d3 ', true, State: cookie: true, real, xfbml: channelUrl: ' '});}; (function() {var e = document.createElement("p") (' script '); e. async = true; and .src = document.location.protocol + '//'; document.getElementById (' fb-root ') appendChild (e);}()); email icon email to a friend printer icon printer friendly write icon views
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Clinical experience has published in over 2000 patients who received autologous grafts fats has shown no evidence of increased risk of developing metastasis or recurrence of breast cancer in contrast with laboratory data. The newly published review entitled "Cancer risks of autologous fat grafting for breast" in the January issue of the journal of cosmetic surgery of the American Society of aesthetic plastic surgery discusses the differences between clinical data and certain laboratory-based scientific literature on fat grafting for breast procedures. This includes those procedures whereby the grafting was enriched with stem cells derived from adipose tissue and regenerative cells (ADRCs).

The article, written by John Fraser, Ph. d. and Marc Hedrick, MD of Cytori Therapeutics Therapeutics (NASADQ: CYTX) and Steve Cohen, MD, one of the leading plastic surgeons in the United States, shall assess critically the theoretical concerns raised by fat grafting for breast procedures (in particular for women who have undergone treatment for breast cancer).

Through a comprehensive review of published reports, the article explores the potential problems and concludes that the apparent discrepancy between the data laboratory and the clinic are the result of applying artificial conditions used in some laboratory studies which do not arise in a clinical setting. This analysis is consistent with pre-clinical studies, demonstrating Cytori Therapeutics enriched cell grafting fat did not increase the risk of developing breast cancer or metastases that in some situations, actually reduced the growth of cancer.

"Patient safety is of prime importance in the development of products PureGraft ? and ? Celution," said Christopher Calhoun, CEO Cytori Therapeutics Therapeutics. "There is a greater demand patient and physician for our technologies and this careful review supports our view that our recommended fat grafting techniques are safe in the breast. We will continue to conduct our security research and analyze data from outside sources for Cytori Therapeutics, as part of legislative progress and the final adoption of our products. "

The January issue of the journal surgery is now available online here.

Cytori Therapeutics

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Breast Cancer Stem Cell Targets-Cancer Network

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ONCOLOGY.Vol. 25No. 1COMMENTARY Breast Cancer Stem Cell TargetsThe Federici et al Article Reviewed [READ ARTICLE]By Wendy A. Woodward, MD, PhD1 |January 22, 20111 Department of Radiation Oncology, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

The publication of the landmark paper by Al-Hajj et al, which demonstrated that breast cancer cells capable of tumor outgrowth when transplanted into the cleared mammary fatpad of immunocompromised mice could be prospectively identified using cell surface markers,[1] galvanized the cancer stem cell debate among breast cancer researchers and launched an exponential increase in papers exploring “breast cancer stem cells.” In this issue of ONCOLOGY, Federici et al review this explosion of literature in a clear and concise article that, like all broad reviews of rapidly expanding, highly debated fields, is greatly constrained by the need for brevity.

The dramatic discourse that was launched by Al-Hajj’s work, which suggested that solid tumors such as breast cancer could be completely recapitulated by only a small fraction of the tumor cells, was initially dominated by the stem cell purists’ demand for clear and rigorous definitions of cancer stem cells. Ideally, in every report, each system, surrogate, tissue, or cell line studied was to be interrogated for the hallmarks of cancer stem cells: self-renewal, multipotency, and quiescence. Inevitably, however, the demonstration, in a small number of reports adhering to these standards, that markers and culture techniques can identify or enrich for self-renewing “cancer stem cells,”[2, 3] has led to surrogates, such as those described by Federici et al—eg, mammosphere formation or aldehyde dehydrogenase activity—being equated to cancer stem cells in the absence of functional studies to complement this work. In addition, properties well studied in normal hematopoietic stem cell biology and in hematologic cancer stem cell biology have been assumed to be relevant to solid tumor stem cells, in many cases in the absence of comparable solid tumor data. Thus, perhaps the greatest omissions in the breast cancer stem cell reviews to date, including those by this author (WAW) have been the failure to separate the rigorous work incorporating functional cancer stem cell assays from those relying primarily on marker studies, and the failure to fairly reflect the limitations and complexities of the current literature.

It is clear that the percentage of cancer stem cells identified in a tumor can be highly variable—a function of the technique used to transplant the cells[4]—and it is conceivable that the absence of appropriate microenvironmental signals from the host limits tumor initiation to only a few cells in this artificial condition.[5] While some studies in syngeneic mouse models in which the host microenvironment is intact have demonstrated that the capacity to re-initiate the tumor is indeed limited to a small population of prospectively identifiable cells,[6] it remains to be seen whether this is true across all syngeneic mammary tumor models—and even harder to prove, across any or all in situ human tumors. Concordance between findings in syngeneic mouse models and human tumor xenografts is reassuring, however. In a novel study with parallel findings in both systems, Atkinson et al have recently demonstrated the proof in principle that sub-lethal radiation alone can shrink the tumors but enrich for the resistant tumor-initiating cells in both p53 null mammary tumors and triple negative human xenografts. In contrast, the combination of hyperthermia and radiation simultaneously decreases both the tumor bulk and the tumor-initiating capacity.[7] Rigorous therapy-based studies in multiple models, such as this report by Atkinson et al, suggest that the potential caveats regarding anti–cancer stem cell therapies, including the possibility of dedifferentiation by differentiated cells to replace targeted cancer stem cells, may not be insurmountable obstacles.

Ultimately, proving the value of cancer stem cell studies will require clinical data demonstrating that targeting cancer stem cells improves breast cancer survival. If the biology of normal stem cells teaches us something about the biology of cancer that leads to more cures, it will not matter whether the cells are stem cells, progenitors, tumor-initiators, or self-renewing cells. For now, though, it remains unclear whether breast cancer stem cell targets represent the heart of the beast or just something at which to aim.

Financial Disclosure: The author has no significant financial interest or other relationship with the manufacturers of any products or providers of any service mentioned in this article.

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This commentary refers to the following articleBreast Cancer Stem Cells: A New Target for Therapy


1. Al-Hajj M, Wicha MS, Benito-Hernandez A, et al. Prospective identification of tumorigenic breast cancer cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003;100:3983-8.

2. Dontu G, Abdallah WM, Foley JM, et al. In vitro propagation and transcriptional profiling of human mammary stem/progenitor cells. Genes Dev. 2003;17:1253-70.

3. Ginestier C, Hur MH, Charafe-Jauffret E, et al. ALDH1 is a marker of normal and malignant human mammary stem cells and a predictor of poor clinical outcome. Cell Stem Cell. 2007;1:555-67.

4. Quintana E, Shackleton M, Sabel MS, et al. Efficient tumour formation by single human melanoma cells. Nature. 2008;456:593-8.

5. Rosen JM, Jordan CT. The increasing complexity of the cancer stem cell paradigm. Science. 2009;324:1670-3.

6. Zhang M, Behbod F, Atkinson RL, et al. Identification of tumor-initiating cells in a p53-null mouse model of breast cancer. Cancer Res. 2008;68:4674-82.

7. Atkinson RL, Zhang M, Diagaradjane P, et al. Thermal enhancement with optically activated gold nanoshells sensitizes breast cancer stem cells to radiation therapy. Sci Transl Med.2:55ra79.

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ONCOLOGY, January 24, 2011.date2 {color:#8C8C8C;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:12px;padding-left:0.4px;text-decoration:none;}Understanding the Kinetics of Cancer: Implications from Prevention to Prognostication
ONCOLOGY, January 24, 2011.date2 {color:#8C8C8C;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:12px;padding-left:0.4px;text-decoration:none;}How Heterogeneous Cell Populations, Cancer Cell Dormancy, and Minimal Residual Disease Influence the Natural History of Cancers
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Friday, January 28, 2011

Chelsea Coalition on housing recalls Susan Cohen-Chelsea Now

The MaMa mama

The MaMa mama

Updated: Wednesday, January 26, 2010 2: 49 PM CST
I'm sorry, I could not read the contents fromt here.

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Premenopausal smoking linked to higher risk of breast cancer-Dr. Cutler

Pre-Menopausal Smoking Linked to Higher Risk of Breast CancerAn article by journal Archives of Internal Medicine reported that smokers before giving birth can be linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.

Lead researcher Fei Xue and colleagues from Brigham and women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, examined the records of 111,140 women since 1976 and 2006 for active smoking. Have compared the data to that of females that were 36,017 passive smokers, this means that they were exposed to secondhand smoke.

During the study period, were reported a total of 8,772 cases of breast cancer. The disease was more prevalent among those who have had a higher frequency of past and current smoking, and having used cigarettes for a long time.

"Smoking before menopause was positively associated with the risk of breast cancer, and there were suggestions from our results that smoking after menopause may be associated with a risk of breast cancer slightly decreased," the authors wrote.

On the contrary, women who both smoke or were exposed to secondhand smoke does not seem to have an increased risk of breast cancer.

According to, an estimated 1 in 8 women will develop the disease in his lifetime.

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FDA to remove Avastin from arsenal for metastatic breast cancer

Patients who have tumors in lung, brain, kidneys and colon cancer can still get treatments Avastin, but the Food and Drug Administration decided that they will withdraw their approval of the drug for use in metastatic breast cancer: oncologists would still be able to prescribe Avastin to treat metastatic breast cancer, but because the FDA can change its status, health insurance does not cover the cost. Patients would give the possibility to pay $ 8000 a month out of pocket for Avastin-a real strain on any budget-but particularly hard on those who have already spent some previous drugs, surgeries and treatments to try to extend their lives for some of these patients with breast cancer, Avastin was the last chance. drug maker-Genentech-FDA decision appeal denying practically treating certain patients of metastatic breast cancer, while the action is pending, and whether a hearing takes place, the State of Avastin remains unchanged. which means that patients who are currently ongoing Avastin should stay tuned and keep track of updates on this issue.

The Food and Drug Administration Avastin were rushed through the approval process two years ago, such as drugs, it seemed that the best new targeted therapy, when used with Taxol (paclitaxel). In Europe, the combination of Avastin and Taxol is used for the treatment of first-line metastatic breast cancer. European Medicines Agency (EMA) stated that "the benefits of this combination outweigh its risks, and that this combination remains a valuable treatment option for patients with metastatic breast cancer."But the FDA U.S. granted initial approval on condition that they say it was not satisfied. The FDA requested that Avastin be put through more clinical studies to see if it would live until follow-up studies were initial results.XML facts, but the FDA says that Avastin benefits somewhat limited shall not exceed its risks and side effects. basis for subsequent studies, Avastin did not inhibit tumor growth by enough to make it useful for patients to tolerate the side effects, without benefit of increased life expectancy. In English, the FDA says that Avastin ? doesn't slow down and make cancer patients live longer without also doing them harm by serious side effects-and talking about patients who have already survived a battery of previous surgeries, chemotherapies and other treatments.

Not all cases of metastatic breast cancer are the same, so that every patient can answer a different treatment. While there are genetic tests that can help predict which tumors will respond to specific drugs, such evidence does not yet cover all types of cancer. head-on some patients believe that Avastin is in possession of their cancer at Bay, giving them more time with their families also some doctors, such as Eric p. Winer, Director of Breast Oncology Center at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, they say, "this is not a drug useless by any means. There is almost certainly a group of women who get a great benefit. "Fran Visco, National Breast Cancer Coalition disagrees, saying:" the FDA should never endorse Avastin for breast cancer to begin with. we see no evidence of benefit, but we see evidence of evil. "Visco is alluding to the possible effects of Avastin, which may include internal bleeding, perforation of the colon, blood clots and heart failure.

But some suggest that the fight on Avastin is about money. Genentech pays $ 5.8 billion each year for the drug, 855 million, of which comes from use in treatment of breast cancer may not sell if Genentech's blockbuster drug for patients with breast cancer, which is a strong share of income has been pulled out. no wonder they call on the FDA decision! It is not only about altruistic motives, even if maker of Avastin patient assistance-that they cap to $ 57,000 per year for low-income women., which is approximately 7 treatments for patients, for patients with metastatic breast cancer year. more, you may need to be properly treated with Avastin.

Others argue that the real controversy is actually who gets to decide what medicines you may be treated with? does the FDA-a government agency that has the task of protecting patients and adjusting costs-get to decide? do drug companies that spend on research, development and marketing of their products to offer their medications to someone who might be able to afford them? or your oncologist becomes the final arbitor of what can and cannot be dealt with-second or less your insurance-if you-will help cover the cost?

The Komen Foundation has made a statement on the issue, saying that they hope to any patients who actually are benefiting from Avastin will continue to be covered by their insurance company for its use. this critical question back-that will benefit from Avastin ?, and how we expect those patients are? "We urge Genentech/Roche to continue research into a biomarker for Avastin determine which women can benefit from the drug. We are in favour of the drug development process and I hope that manufacturers will continue to develop drugs for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. We succeed only in the search for new therapies for cancer, bringing new drugs to the clinic, "said Elizabeth Thompson, President of Komen for the cure.

What's your take on the controversy Avastin? Leave a comment right here.

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Vegas firefighter given worker's Comp for breast cancer

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Nevada Supreme Court Rules Benzene Exposure Caused Firefighter's Breast Cancer

Robin Lawson was just doing her job as a firefighter in Las Vegas when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Firefighters use benzene as well as polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in their work saving people and property. Lawson's oncologist Dr. Noel Rowan feels that exposure to benzene in the line of work caused her cancer, and said that she should be given by Worker's Compensation, "Sin City."

Lawson started work as a firefighter in 1992, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1997 and received treatment for at least eight months. Her cancer recurred in 2004 and she was treated with a double trained Dr. Rowan gave his professional opinion that benzene exposure caused her cancer and therefore qualified her for Workman's Comp, a benefit for which she applied in 2004. Las Vegas city government did not withhold health insurance benefits from Lawson, I know her treatments were paid for and her time away from work was covered ... But the city's legal advisers denied her claim to further payment in the form of Workmen's Comp Her case went before the Nevada Supreme Court and they ruled in her favor, giving as their decision that Lawson's cancer was work-related.

Benzene is known to be carcinogenic, but studies linking breast cancer and benzene are few and results are not conclusive. Scientists have not done formal research targeting breast cancer and benzene link. The American Cancer Society reports that benzene is a known carcinogen and may cause fluid forms of cancers such as leukemia, multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, as well as bone marrow disorders like myelodysplacia It certainly isn't a chemical that you'd want to consume or inhale, because it is a solvent used in various industries such as shoe manufacture, oil refining, commercial printing, and the rubber industry. But you have more risk of benzene exposure from a more everyday source: cigarette smoke and secondhand tobacco smoke. In America, smoking accounts for almost half of all benzene exposure nationwide.

Now that you know that, don't lawyer up and head to court to file a worker's comp claim if you were diagnosed with breast cancer while working a particular job. Robin Lawson's case for Workman's Compensation may not set a precedent If it did, then everybody who has ever worked with a coworker who smoked could have just as good at homes. Perhaps Lawson was exposed to benzene-either through firefighting chemicals or through exposure to tobacco smoke. We may never know what caused her breast cancer, just as we may never know what causes the 90% of all cases of breast cancer that are not related to the genetic mutation BRCA. It seems to me that the Nevada Supreme Court-who are not oncology scientists can't declare the causes of breast cancer based on one person's claim .so this case won't guarantee worker's comp payments to other men or women who are exposed to carcinogenic chemicals on the job. Like many other things that go on in Las Vegas, this case will be one of those things that happens here, stays here. "

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How should your oncologist say, "you have breast cancer"

I was 46, with no family history of breast or ovarian cancer, when I found a suspicious lump. breast kept hoping that it was benign, despite all the signs and symptoms, but the day came when my husband and I met the oncologist examination room to get my results. final pathology, this man was a Diagnostician excellent, well respected by his peers, with a great practice and many diplomas. impressive he bustled into the room, still flipping through my chart, and without looking up, he said, "Hello" and then, while still reading from certain newspapers, launched in my diagnosis. "you low grade ductal carcinoma infiltrated surrounded by invasive and you are young, so it will take at least four rounds of chemotherapy."As he spoke, I tried to translate his words in English, as well as to absorb the shock of hearing that I had a carcinoma or breast cancer. the effort required in this product tears, but since this man didn't even look at me, I kept my tears from spilling out my husband was taking notes and sitting next to me, it comes with its own feelings-that his mother had died of breast cancer before she turned 50. be brave lasted me until we walked and sitting in the car, where I cried so hard I couldn't see straight talk or. the oncologist never said anything close to, "I'm sorry.

This week, the Breast Cancer Symposium in San Antonio-SABCS-will meet people from all over the world for its 33rd year. hear technical documents, Discover the clinical and surgical, chemical progress in the war against breast cancer. experts, pharmaceutical companies, patients and patient advocates participate in search of hope, help and the opportunity to network with others in their field. some will try to profit, while others offer support services one plenary speaker., Professor Daniel Ariely, will talk about how doctors and patients interact and influence treatment choices by that interaction that make. patients before his speech, he is taking a survey of oncologists, asking them how they give to patients bad news. Dr. Ariely is James b. Duke Distinguished Professor of psychology and behavioral Economics at Duke University who specializes in ways that we make decisions that find that although we can feel in control when we must take a decision, we often irrational, that is not always bad.

Oncologists are not usually trained in communication techniques. spend years learning as much as possible on cancer in all its aspects-scientific, but unless they were already great communicators, they always hand out the bad news of a diagnosis of breast cancer in a way that helps their patients cope with the emotional impact and fallout that often occurs, so I'm curious to see how how you want to an oncologist to talk with you about your diagnosis and comprehensive take home my poll, and if my replies are not for you, make up your or leave a comment to explain. There are no wrong answers-we all have different communication styles and different expectations from our doctors ... Let me know how you want to hear the bad news.

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Toilet flushing-low risk of breast cancer

Next time you have a hot flash, try to enjoy it. researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center reported that have symptoms of menopause-a sign of low estrogen levels can be a sign of low risk for breast cancer: is the female hormone estrogen, which provides the fuel for 80% of all breast cancers. many treatments for breast cancer, including chemotherapy and follow-up drugs such as Tamoxifen and Aromasin, are designed to reduce the amount of circulating estrogen in your body, thus depriving the tumor cells from hormone that keeps growing low estrogen naturally having levels can be annoying, but seems to provide a defense against breast cancer.

This study was published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and prevention, and involved 1000 women aged 55 to 74, who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. that an additional 1,000 women of the same age group were also recruited-women who had never had breast cancer. that each participant has been the subject of the inquiry about the severity and frequency of its symptoms. menopause women classified as hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disorders and depression along a scale, and then the researchers analyzed data, along with their medical history.

In this study, women who reported frequent heavy hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and seems to have a 40-50% lower risk of developing Invasive ductal Carcinoma or Invasive lobular Carcinoma-two very common breast cancer diagnoses. When flashes occurred with severity level more than a few times per day, these symptoms were associated with fewer cases of cancer, estrogen-receptor positive.

Keep in mind that the risk of breast cancer increases with age-a fact that seems to contradict the findings from this research, but this is only one study, the researchers said: ' This is the first studio to report that women menopause symptoms have substantially reduced the risk of breast cancer and the severity of hot flashes is also inversely associated with risk. ' several more studies should be able to repeat the data before it can be decisive.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

SABCS: aromatase inhibitors expensive, many breast cancer patients Quit

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Aromasin Pills Aromasin pills
Photo Karl D. Stephan

If your aromatase inhibitors cost more than $ 30 for copayment, would you stop taking them after treatment for estrogen-sensitive breast cancer? Dr. Dawn l. Hershman has studied the habits of younger and older women who were diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer-the most treatable type of breast cancer-and she reports that the youngest and the oldest patients quit taking hormonal therapy soon after primary treatment ends. Money appears to be one reason that many patients don't continue taking Aromasin or Tamoxifen their, especially if their prescription copays are over $ 30.

"We were surprised to see that so many young women stopped treatment early, despite the fact that the therapy has a proven track record of reducing breast cancer recurrence," said Dr. Hershman. The majority of breast cancers-about 80%-are fueled by estrogen. Hormonal therapies such as Selective Estrogen-Receptor Modulators and aromatase inhibitors are prescribed to be taken for 5 years after surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation have been completed. "These drugs keep the levels of circulating estrogen lower than your body normally makes-know your body becomes a less cancer-friendly environment, discouraging cancer's return.

Dr. Hershman reported the findings of her study at the 33rd annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS). She grouped the copayment amounts into $ 30, between $ 30 and $ 89.99, $ 90 or more. Patients with 90-day co-payments paid from $ 0 to $ 893.49 for refills. Many women over retirement age stopped paying for aromatase inhibitors when their copays went over $ 30-some of these patients may be on limited incomes, and have to budget carefully. "Some women between the ages of 40 and 64 kept refilling their prescriptions until copays hit $ 90-these may be women who are raising children, juggling careers and family life, as well as assisting elderly parents.

Dr. Alfred Neugut said that Hershman's study is the first to show how high copays do have an impact on such a crucial drug where mortality can be so directly at stake. "Dr. Hershman said, "When we have highly effective medications available, we need to try to set limits on potential barriers to use like co-payments."While I agree that having consistent costs for medications, prescriptions and making available to everyone who needs them, I think there's more to this issue than money.

I can remember starting Tamoxifen "when I was 47-I was worried about the potential for cataracts and endometrial cancer that might occur as a result of taking this drug. My fertility had already been sacrificed to chemotherapy, one breast had been removed, and now I faced five years of chemically-induced hot flashes, vaginal dryness, low libido, fatigue, and the general feeling that recovery was taking much too long! However, when the side effects of Tamoxifen got to be too much, I remembered how bad I felt during chemo, and since I was determined not to require treatment again, I kept popping those little white pills. Two years into Tamoxifen, I begged my oncologist to switch me to Aromasin-I had transitioned into natural menopause-and I made the switch. Well, I still had hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and low libido-but less worry about cataracts and endometrial cancer.

But now we find out that aromatase inhibitors may raise your risk of heart disease as well as lower your bone density That news came from another paper presented at SABCS. Yet more research shows that some of the side effects of hormonal therapy can be moderated by taking additional therapies such as venlafaxine (Effexor) or clonidine (Catapres)-both of which proved very helpful in women with hot flashes. "You may already know that bone density can be helped by taking a bisphosphonate such as Fosamax or Actonel, and if you're menopausal, you are at greater risk for osteoporosis.

What this all comes down to seems to be this: staying alive after cancer is expensive. You may finish your primary treatment and be happy just to have survived Then you start hormonal therapy, and run into more side effects. "So you wind up taking-and paying for-one or more additional prescriptions to help you stay on your Aromasin or Tamoxifen. That might be three daily pills you didn't budget for, and didn't know you might need. The overall package of pills, side effects, and increasing copayments would put anybody off, even more so when we're facing 5 years of therapy.

I agree with Dr. Hershman when she says that there needs to be lower barriers and greater access to life-saving drugs and medical care. But I also hope that more effective and efficient drugs can be developed to treat breast cancer as well as prevent its return. Developing those drugs will be costly, but keeping patients alive-with a high quality of life-is beyond price.

What do you think-is the financial cost of staying on hormonal therapy the main reason you would stop taking the drugs? Or do other issues like side effects have more of an impact on your decision to quit this type of therapy? Please leave a comment.

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Bif Naked Breast Cancer Becomes Motivational Speaker

Bif NakedBIF Naked
Photo Getty Images/Frazer

BIF Naked says women should "feel your boobs, basically" so that they may be aware of their breast health. Canadian punk rock singer-songwriter found a lump breast while doing a breast self-exam, not long after his wedding. biopsy revealed breast cancer for the musician then 36-year old.

BIF Naked is more back-recovered from 13 months of treatments for breast cancer. naked joined Bureau of a speaker and since then, he talked about a day of awareness for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and more recently for Cancer Agency now 39 of British Columbia, Bif Naked tells his story of survivor, share how it's done through a Lumpectomy, chemo and radiation with Herceptin. has developed a blood clot, a staph infection, hair loss and severe fatigue, but kept going, even writing songs while resting in bed. writing in his blog, he said, "Yeah ...I was pretty nervous and self-conscious about my stuff Word this week ... mainly because I wanted to simply do a good job. "Apparently Bif Naked did a great job, because Dr. Frances Wong BC Cancer Agency later said that "takes the fear of people and recalls the importance of being aware of their body of people."

Canadian punk rocker kept busy despite surgery, chemotherapy and radiation-with all effects side operator has put together a new album, a promise and released in May 2009, about a year and a half after his diagnosis. his last CD was titled Superbeautifulmonster and was followed by a two-year world tour .BIF-born Beth Torbert in India-was placed for adoption and raised by American missionaries in the end the family moved to Canada, where he attended college and began his music career. nude sports quite a collection of tattoos-tattoo and says that her favorite says "Survivor." I think that expresses so much about you that is important and telling. Bif Naked is a survivor in many ways, summarized in his FaceBook page, "is not in my being to let anything stop me."

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PARP inhibitor shows promise Iniparib for Triple negative breast cancer

BINDI (Triple Negative Breast Cancer) is an aggressive form of breast cancer that does not always respond to standard treatments., often affects young women, can spread quickly and require aggressive treatment to check that PARP inhibitors. cancer can be added to chemotherapy for breast cancer, to prevent cancer cells repair themselves that iniparib is a PARP inhibitor that did well in phase 1 and 2 clinical studies, the shrinking of some tumors and holds the disease at bay. Iniparib organic, targeted therapy, increases overall survival of nearly five months-opening a window of hope for many patients.

Before you rush and get your oncologist Iniparib, remember that a phase 3 clinical trial must be done-and must be successful before the Food and Drug Administration would approve for eligible patients. Iniparib phase 2 study was done at 20 sites with approximately 400 participants. Iniparib was given with chemotherapy for patients with breast, ovarian, cervical, lung and brain tumors.

About half of patients in clinical trials with metastatic Triple negative tumor have been treated with Gemcitabine, carboplatin and iniparib-the rest of the study participants were given chemotherapy alone of the phase 2 Iniparib study for patients with brain metastases and BINDI are still open to new participants. how many medicines chemo, iniparib has side effects, which may include fatigue, nausea and anaemia. Triple negative breast cancer takes its name from its negative properties: BINDI diagnostic tests of estrogen, progesterone receptors and HER2 and affects only 15-20% of all patients with breast cancer.

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Breast Cancer victim Mobile Apps support for patients

How about a breast cancer support group that fits in the Palm of your hand? that is what many applications of breast cancer to become new target. these apps can be found all over the internet, offering everything from tape Pink wallpaper for your smartphone for a full guide diagnosis. some applications of breast cancer can guide you through a breast self-exam and help you consider what type of breast lumps may have other apps Help you plan a healthy meal, designed to help you heal from treatments of breast cancer more general health apps help you keep track of your test results, full blood count (CBC), appointments, scheduling of pill, or keep up with news alerts of breast cancer.

Yes, there is an application for health fitness routine, favorite books and magazines, your drug list, and also games to pass the time these useful applications are cheap-any price from free to $ 5.00-and can be used on an electronic device of choice: If you use an iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry, Android, or other smartphone, you probably already have some apps, but how to choose the right ones? you ask around, around the web and try to understand what runs on your device and as expected. some applications of health might work brilliantly, while others may disappoint.

Do you have an app that was really useful? write a review on it and submit for publication on you can read some guidelines and find links to a variety of opportunities to review our Patient Empowerment site. If you want to write a review of an app of breast cancer, check out this presentation form. your review could really help others who are trying to just the app cancer or breast health right!

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Breast cancer has given Me a second chance at life

Pam Stephan, Lauren LambertPAM and Lauren, cousins
Photo David Stephan

Today is new year's day-my father I children on this date 1-1-11 or in his words "full of ones!"Still, if I hadn't had breast cancer, I might not be joking around with him at all. Oh, I would be alive and well, but I would not have sliced back through 13 years of estrangement and reconnected with him, if I had never been diagnosed and treated for breast cancer. because it can be difficult for you to put everything together, let me tell you a bit more of the story.

My mother had always been difficult to live with, and when people asked me to her, I just said that she seemed to be always unhappy, angry, emotionally unhealthy. a Christmas when I was 38, I was trying to talk to her on the phone and started complaining to me. I stopped her and said that we had to go to that topic was his reply. anger right and the Declaration that would stop talking to each other since then! MOM controlled all communication around the House, so she cut me off from father and my sister ... Although my life became gradually more peaceful, I lost my father-a pleasant colleagues-and my younger sister-the only person on Earth who knew what MOM was really like.

I and my husband has never had children-I was afraid that would hurt them as mum had hurt me be childless put us into a strange social place everywhere we went we don't that many friends, holidays were spent with my husband's family that does not tie with many women also at work, or Church, had a few friends.

When I was 38, I was diagnosed and treated for cancer: breast, there were family members on my side to call support-expulsion cannot lasted 10 years from then cousins, sister, mother to come and Help out my husband and his family has done the best they could for me, that turned out to be enough.

My mother died in 2005, a fact we discovered one year after the fact, while his obituary to read our online newspaper on Christmas was pretty short so that I feared that my father was also lost. since 13 years have passed and we were unsure how to contact my father-and if he would even talk to me I might have missed, but I had endured cancer, chemo, surgeries, recovery and all breaks that go with it having survived that fire, I felt stronger than ever and more willing to take risks, this was my second opportunity to connect with my family! After trying each phone number that we had (mum loved have unlisted telephone numbers) we reconnected with dad, then 80 years old were pleased, he shed tears, we set a date to visit soon.

In 2010, the fourth year that Dad has lived with us, I was able to reconnect with 6 maternal cousins (some of which I had never met!) and 3 cousins. father, my sister and I met soon after dad I welcomed in his house, and she had taught me a lot about managing people in conversation with many others, I learned that my mother may have had schizophrenia. There were little you could do-or would-on his behavior. But I finally got a name for his disorder, an explanation that I can live.

Breast cancer is no picnic--even if treatment and survival are improving, I am grateful for the breast way influenced my life has put some steel in my spine, and caused me to reorder my priorities in life have become a caregiver to my father, my sister and a friend my cousins. In short, I went from living in removal for promoting reconciliation. that is the gift that breast cancer-gave me courage to cut through old wounds, to face the harsh truth and move on ... that's my second chance at life.

I hope that 2011 will be a great year for you and all your family and friends-best wishes and happy new year!

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