Friday, February 25, 2011

4 simple ways to slash your Grocery Bill

Start a reserve and buy only when items are for sale.

Have a recipe that calls for an ingredient that you didn't? Then, see if you can replace an ingredient that you have. It can save money at the store and space in your pantry.

Frozen dinners and mixtures of boxed can be convenient, but they are also more expensive. Get in the habit of buying the ingredients that you need to prepare the foods we eat and watch that your grocery dollar go further.

Foods are less expensive when they are in season, so learn when all favorite foods are in season and then buy them.

Make the jump from brand to brand name and generic you shave easy 25% or more off your grocery bill. Some generic drugs worth trying: cereals, spices and cooking supplies.

Want a bargain basement price? Then, scour every aisle of the grocery store at a reduced price. Ultra products-RIPE, scratch and dent items, closeouts, or near its use-by-date – is all the reason for a sticker price reduced.

I'm not sure that you'll be able to use something before its date? Then, you throw in the freezer, and will not be necessary.

Grocery stores are not the only place to look for opportunities in grocery stores. Make a habit to check the listings of the drug store for deals on cereal, oatmeal, raisins, spices, cooking supplies, soda, paper goods and more.

Shops tend to sell some items below cost every week to entice customers to the shop. Learn to identify these opportunities and rip them – even if it means going to more of an archive.

For help in spotting opportunities:

A sale is beautiful. Bundling a coupon and a repayment? Well, that is even better. Try each and any possibility of discounts for stack and slash grocery bill up to the size.

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

HALO Breast Pap Test

As part of your annual examination of well-woman, you can choose to have a Halo Breast Pap Test, to suck the nipple fluid that will be screened for abnormal cells. This is a test as a screening, Pap stain for cervical cancer, which does not diagnose breast cancer, but it helps to determine your level of risk. A test HALO does not replace a mammogram, but can be used by women 25 years, helping to determine their level of risk for breast cancer. Here's what to expect during a breast pap test alone.HALO Breast Pap Test Console Photo ? NeoMatrixThe HALO Breast Pap Test is approved by the FDA, but because it is so new, many insurance companies do not even cover the costs. Plan on spending about $ 100 in your Pocket for this screening. If you send a request to the insurance company, you may be able to recover part of const. zSB (3,3), if you choose to have a halo of proof it will require only five minutes and can be done right in your clinic. Most women say that is comfortable and feels like using a breast pump. In a study of 500 women from the University of Utah, the researchers noted that most women prove quite well tolerated and found less invasive ductal lavage or aspiration needle good. Automatic HALO is simple to use, only takes a little training and safe for patients.HALO Breast Pap Test Collection Cup Photo ? NeoMatrixYou will undress from the waist up and wearing a hospital gown, opening at the front. A nurse will champion soft, flexible, lattice collection cups over the breast adjustable suction cups on the console HALO. The nurse will use antiseptic pads to clean her breasts, with special attention to your nipples. This ensures that the sample of fluid nipple is as pristine as possible, for the most accurate results.HALO Breast Pap Test in Progress Photo ? NeoMatrixYour nurse will help you correctly place suction cups and set her breasts, making sure to center the nipple in the lower part of the the Cup. Suction Nipple fluid, if any, will be collected is produced at the bottom of the Cup. During the test, you will have the cups on your skin of the breast. The nurse will start the machine, and start the test.HALO Breast Pap Test Heat and Suction Photo ? NeoMatrixWith collection cups in place, the HALO will begin creating suction on her breasts. You should still keep the cups in position. After startup, you'll feel the mild heat and massage gently from "petals" around the cups together on the skin of the breast. This increases the circulation to nipples and underlying milk ducts.HALO Breast Pap Test Fluid Sample Photo ? NeoMatrixWhen suction cycle is complete, the nurse will help you to remove the cups library. If you have any fluid inlet nipple, will be collected and sent to the laboratory for testing. It is absolutely normal to have no fluid nipple produced, so don't worry if nothing shows up. Fluid nipple discharge may contain non-benign, is worrying. Abnormal cells containing only nipple is cause for concern.You can take a week to get test results back from the HALO laboratory. Your doctor will contact you with the results and explain what they mean. Some possible results are: not fluid: without worries and normal (non) risk for breast cancer, benign: nipple can be caused by medications, infections, intraductal depigmented or pregnancy fluid containing normal cells: indicates a risk for breast cancer that is two times the normal risk fluid that contains abnormal cells: raises risk of breast cancer until 4-5 times the normal risk after taking Halo trial, if you find that you have a risk doubled or are at high risk of developing breast cancer, you can start to take action. Risk does not mean that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, but have cells that can be a precancerous condition. Taking control of many things can reduce the risk: zSB (1,2) more about HALO Breast Pap (zSbL Testif

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Lymphocytes X

Definition:A type of white blood cells found in the blood and lymph systems; part of the immune system.

Lymphocytes are divided into two general categories: b-and t-lymphocytes.

common misspellings: limfocite, lymfasiteB-lymphocytes are the source of antibodies that help fight infections. If (zSbL

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Clinical Breast Exam Steps

The last part of your clinical breast examination is an examination manual nipples and areola. When you have your monthly breast self-exam, you may notice some changes of the nipple-bring the attention of your physician.

The doctor will check for nipple, colour and position. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have any nipple pain, are pregnant or breastfeeding, have had any breast surgery, or have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer. If there is any different from the nipple, breast milk can be sampled and sent for laboratory testing.

Your doctor will monitor your position by gently squeezing nipple nipple or with the index and middle fingers and pulling forward. They will be watching to see if the nipple springs back in place, or if pulls back in.

It will also examine the areola, to see if you have any pain or swelling beneath them, how could it be a subareolar abscess. If the areola is bumpy, persistent itchy, red, scaly or formicola, could be an infection or Paget's disease of the nipple, a type of breast cancer.

Clinical Breast Exam-benefits to remember

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A mastectomy is the oldest known treatment for breast cancer. Before the development of a quadrantectomy and Lumpectomy, mastectomy was only surgery for this disease. A mastectomy removes the entire breast and may include the removal of the skin and muscle.

Four types of mastectomy
Mastectomy is surgery to remove the breast tissue. The breast may be removed due to cancer or fibrocystic disease. There are several different degrees of mastectomy. A total mastectomy or simple is removing all the breast tissue and skin, including nipple and areola. Lymph nodes and chest muscles are left undisturbed. Prophylactic Mastectomies for women at high risk for breast cancer are usually simple mastectomies. The modified radical mastectomy to remove the nipple and areola, most of the lymph nodes, the breast tissue and the skin of the breast in the Axilla (armpit). No muscle is removed during a modification for mastectomy. A radical or mastectomy Halstead removes the nipple and areola, breast and skin tissue and can also remove a portion of the pectoral muscle wall beneath the breast. Lymph nodes in the armpit (Axilla) are also removed and tested for cancer. For women who are planning on immediate reconstruction, mastectomy may be done a skin-sparing. During a skin-sparing mastectomy, the nipple and areola breast tissue are removed and retains most of the breast skin. This skin is closed on reconstruction site.a new Silhouette
If you do not have breast reconstruction, mastectomy scar you will have a slightly curved skin incision and the breast area will be flat. Taking care of SCAR will result in a fine line of light over time. You can use a prosthetic BRA, which has the pockets to keep breast prosthesis, if you like, to balance your appearance.

Completion of the image-breast reconstruction
After you have finished all the treatments for breast cancer, may decide on the reconstruction of the breast at a later date. You can consult a plastic surgeon to see which options are best for you. A reconstructed breast is not a substitute for a natural breast and not look or feel much the same. Many women, having a breast reconstruction report helps improve their self-image and esteem, after recovery from a mastectomy.

A Lumpectomy and a quadrantectomy are both considered a partial mastectomy.

American Cancer Society. Step-by-step guide: breast cancer. Surgery for breast cancer. Revision: 09/13/2007.

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Klinefelter syndrome, 47XXY

What is the Klinefelter Syndrome or 47, XXY?: Klinefelter's syndrome is a rare genetic disorder in which a man has an extra x chromosome. Certain conditions associated with Klinefelter hypothyroidism, infertility, testicular cancer and an increased risk for breast cancer, male testosterone deficiency enlarged breasts. (gynecomastia) sparse facial and body hair small hard testicles inability to produce sperm (infertility) chromosomes and Klinefelter's syndrome, 47XXY: People typically have two sex chromosomes in each cell. Females have two x chromosomes and males have one x and one y. males with Klinefelter's Syndrome often have one extra copy of chromosome X, for a total of 47 chromosomes per cell; This is defined (47, XXY). Some men with Klinefelter's syndrome have extra x chromosome only some of their cells; This is called "mosaic 46, XY/47, XXY." Additional copies of chromosome x interfere with male sexual development and functioning of the testicles, and explain some of the conditions mentioned above. Case of Klinefelter Syndrome: Klinefelter Syndrome is not an inherited condition, but occurs randomly. Is usually the result of an error that occurs during cell division during formation of egg or sperm. For example, an egg or sperm cell can have an extra copy of chromosome x cell division. If one of these cells is involved in the conception, the result is a child with an extra x chromosome in each cell of the body. When the error occurs early in cell division of fetal development (fertilization instead of before) the result is a mosaic, means that not every cell of the body is affected.Because 47XXY cannot be present in every cell of the body, every case is different. Not all symptoms may appear, and many cases go to be discovered. The most common concerns are: breast cancer, male infertility osteoporosis depression diabetes thyroid problems leg ulcers can be given problemsTestosterone dental theraputically, development of the body as a male advances in maturity. If testosterone is given for Klinefelter's syndrome, it must constantly be continued for life.

Hormonal therapy will not improve soil fertility, but testicular sperm extraction and in vitro fertilization can result in a pregnancy.

If an adult male has some distress about sexual identity, or sexual dysfunction, professional counseling can help.

Ratio of Gynecomastia and male Breast Cancer: Klinefelter Syndrome is associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Gynecomastia (prominent breasts in a male) is a symptom of Klinefelter Syndrome. Having the extra breast tissue increases the risk of developing breast cancer.National Institutes of Health. What is the Klinefelter Syndrome? Understanding Klinefelter Syndrome. Last revision date: August 15, 2006. What is the Klinefelter Syndrome?

American Association for Klinefelter Syndrome information & support. A guide to Klinefelter's syndrome (PDF). Last revision date: 2005. A guide to Klinefelter's syndrome

If (zSbL

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The 5 biggest mistakes made by beginner magicians

Because many in the audience says that hate the magic? It's probably because you've seen poor spell or a magician arrogant, rude or both at the same time.

Here, then, the largest five committed by top magicians. And unfortunately, some of these traits are visible in the work of a handful of professionals.

If you are a magician of the beginning, look out for these pitfalls.

1. Arrogance and acting smarter than public

Nobody likes a performer, or even a person, who thinks he or she is smarter than everyone else and try to prove it. The magic is not an opportunity for a magician to show or demonstrate how intelligent or clever, he or she is.

When magic is done in a way that says, "ah, I know the secret and you don't need", it was transformed into a puzzle and the audience is just trying to discover the secret. In addition, many magicians do not understand that what works for amazing Johnathan isn't necessarily what should be copy and doing their shows.

2. humiliating or embarrassing volunteers

When members of the public to assist, they are going out of their way to help the magician. It is essential to treat volunteers with respect and do not go for easy jokes that ride and minimize and embarrasses volunteers.

Sure, there are a lot of bald, fat, ethnic origin, sex and jokes more that one can say, but for the entertainment of high level, these can be left behind.

3. inadequate preparation

The magic is not simply a matter of visiting a magic store, buying a trick or two, bringing them out of the package, read the instructions and then running them. Fun and perplexing magic takes time to develop and practice and procedures must be engaging, dramatic or humorous, whatever works best for a magician character or personality.

4. Not properly structuring a show

Tricks in the sequence must be varied. A card trick where a spectator chooses a card and the magician lies can be fun, but five in a row such tricks are probably too. Mix effects.

5. wear a Costume character

Many magicians in early may feel or know that their magic is inadequate and consider wearing a clown costume-a suit, dress Assistant or more-to make seemingly for this. After all, the logic seems to go, if one doesn? € ? t feel that are optimal in magic, at least you're dressed as a character.

However, this is completely wrong. And unfortunately, too often costumed animators are a terrible sign of magic.

A costume to be worn only to strengthen the character that is depicting an entertainer, who, in turn, supports the theme of magical effects. If an entertainer is dressed like a wizard, for example, has worked with a deck of cards? Shouldn't he be casting spells or causing things to float and what?

Bottom line, the path of good solid build magic is magic skills and presentation and play in a fun way. Save money and forget about the costume. Work on magic instead and long-term, become a much better performer.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Male Breast Cancer

All people, both men and women who are some of the breast tissue. During puberty, hormones, estrogen and testosterone send signals of growth for our fabrics. Estrogen helps women develop more breast tissue and men achieve an increase of testosterone, which inhibits breast development and encourages the growth of the testicles. But even if men do not develop breasts produce milk, still have a small amount of breast tissue. Those who have breast tissue is at risk of developing breast cancer.Because most men have no lobes in their breast tissue, this type of breast cancer is extremely rare in men. Occurs at a rate of two percent of all cancers of the breast ductal or lobular male.

• Paget's disease of the nipple
This cancer can start inside the nipple or below the areola and then break through the overlying skin. Paget's disease should look like a rash, but will not respond to standard treatments rash. A lump may also be associated with Paget's disease, if the patient is male or female.

Early detection saves lives of men, too
Are increasing survival rates for male breast cancer. This is due to find the disease early and giving treatment to prevent recurrence and metastasis. Male breast cancer is detected with a clinical examination, or a breast self-exam. You have a family history of breast cancer? Ask your doctor if you should have a mammogram, breast tissue to the screen. If you are worried about nothing unusual in your chest, please visit your healthcare professional.

reference: American Cancer Society. "What are the key statistics on breast cancer in men?" Male breast cancer. Last revision date: 25 September 2006. American Cancer Society. What are the key statistics on breast cancer in men?

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12 easy recipes of Chinese food

It is time for the big game, and if you want the spread to be just as exciting as the action on the field control these all-star recipe ideas. More

These soup recipes, varying in taste, texture and ingredients, ? will see through the winter months. More

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Breast cysts ILO

After breast surgery or injury, flexible small lumps may appear. Squishy, smooth feel and look like a water balloon. This could be simple cysts or cysts oil? What should I do?Reply:

Oil cysts are benign breast lumps in the breast that usually do not require treatment. Similar to the simple cyst, cyst of oil are sacs filled with liquid that can feel soft and squishy. If you recently had breast cancer surgery, the last thing you want to find is a lump in your breast. Don't panic--but to get any lump breast retrieved. Let's take a look at oil cysts, and how it can deal with them.

also known as: cysts, breast cysts oil oil, oil of breast cysts

like: lipoma (clot fat under the skin), seroma, hematoma

Oil breast cysts can occur after breast surgery, breast reconstruction, an injury to your breast, or may grow spontaneously. Cysts of oil are called because they contain a liquid form of body fat. If you have a Lumpectomy or mastectomy, fat tissue can die as your body is healing and the attempt to form a scar. Fat necrosis in scar tissue can form hard, or they may melt. The fat collects in a given area and your body will cause a thin layer of calcium to form around it. This residual calcification gives your doctor a clear idea of your diagnosis. Simple and complex cysts, do not have the level of football, but oil cysts are usually enclosed in whole or in part from football.

A cyst oil can show up on a mammogram, but an ultrasound scan will give you a clearer picture. A breast ultrasound uses sound waves bounce off tissues of the breast to create an image of masses, lumps and cysts. Why cysts are filled with liquid, gas or semisolid suspensions, substances appear ultrasound as circular or oval areas of dark, with smooth edges. These cysts have a clear structure that distinguishes them from the surrounding tissues. Other types of lumps of breast ultrasound appears with different characteristics. Oil of cysts will also show on a breast MRI.

Cysts are benign lumps of oil--are not cancerous and does not cause breast cancer. If you are diagnosed with a cyst of oil, you have some options to deal with it. A cyst of oil can be left alone, as many of these will fall on its own. But in case your oil becomes physically painful cysts or causes you concern or distress, it may be aspirated. Your doctor may use a very fine needle aspiration of cyst fluid, which you will deflate. Aspirated fluids from a cyst of oil will be assessed if it sounds bloody. If the cysts are large or have a coarse level of football, the doctor may recommend surgical removal.


For women facing breast biopsy. Other benign breast conditions: Fat necrosis. American Cancer Society. Updated 04/05/2009.

Breast fat necrosis: mammography, clinical and sonographic. ISIL G?nhan Bilgen, esin Emin Ustun, Aysenur Memis. European Journal of Radiology-August 2001 (vol. 39, Issue 2, Pages 92-99).

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SAVI Radiation

After a Lumpectomy, radiation treatments may be necessary to kill any remaining cancer cells. Radiation is done to help prevent a recurrence, or return of breast cancer. Brachytherapy, radiation or delivered internally, they are a technique that conserves healthy tissue and considers only the tissue around the tumor cavity.Radiation treatments for breast cancer can be supplied with external or internal radiation. External radiation, also called the whole-breast irradiation (WBI), considers the entire chest from outside, focusing very penetrating x-rays at the tumor cavity. Breast Brachytherapy using special catheters (small tube) to deliver radiation in your chest to the hollow of the tumor and a small margin of surrounding tissue. zSB (3,3) whole-breast irradiation (external radiation) affect healthy tissue, as well as cancer cells and can cause side effects in healthy tissue. These treatments are generally given each day from Monday to Friday for about 6 weeks in a cancer clinic. Breast Brachytherapy hits a small amount of breast tissue and provides a targeted radiation dose of Lumpectomy to your site. Brachytherapy can be done with a specially designed device that temporarily is implanted in your chest, allowing the radiation oncologist to give you customized for a period of five days of treatment. You can expect minimum side effects and recovery time from external radiation brachytherapy compared.SAVI Radiation Applicator Applicator SAVI-Photo ? Cianna MedicalThe SAVI, who was FDA approved in 2006, is a breast radiation device that can be custom-fitted the Lumpectomy cavity, regardless of shape or size can be. This device is a package of soft, tiny catheters. The SAVI is inserted through a small incision and the catheter package expands uniformly, but its unique design allows it to be opened in a way that truly meets the size and shape of your tumor cavity. The dose of radiation can be controlled individually by each catheter, allowing precise targeting the radiation oncologist. This device is more customizable than a traditional balloon catheter device, so that women with small breasts may be eligible for this type of treatment.Positioning SAVI Radiation Applicator Placement-photo ? Cianna MedicalYour surgeon can place an applicator SAVI radiation at the time of your Lumpectomy, or may be inserted during surgery. Only a small incision is needed to enable the bundle of catheter compact be placed in your breasts. The engraving area will be secured with a dressing and part of each line for catheter stretching outside your womb, until the end of treatment. Catheters are soft and very flexible, so that they should be comfortable for you during the five days of radiation. Condiments for your site will be changed twice a day during treatment and must be kept dry. To prevent infections, you may have to take antibiotics.SAVI Radiation Applicator Dosing Dosage-photo ? Cianna MedicalYou will report to your Oncology synchrotron radiation twice a day for five days, to get treatment. Plan on spending about 30 minutes per visit, about 5-10 minutes of your appointment will serve to the radiation treatment time. Your radiation oncology team will make you comfortable and connect applicator SAVI the radiation source. During each treatment, the radiation source is sent down each catheter one at a time. Will be given a different amount of radiation doses at different points along the length of each catheter. This allows the best dose for the affected tissue, and security plus the surrounding healthy tissue.SAVI Radiation Applicator Removal Removal-photo ? Cianna MedicalAfter treatment with ionising radiation, the oncologist may remove the device, SAVI. To remove the device, wipe your incision site and close your skin with adhesive strips, it should take about two minutes. A bandage or dressing be placed on top, and you're free to go. Be sure to go to subsequent visits so that your doctor can see that the incision is healing properly.SAVI Breast Brachytherapy is available across America, but is not yet in each State. Will work for small or large breasts, but other factors may make it unsuitable for some patients. Check with your doctor about this device or email Cianna medical, to see if SAVI is available in your State or location.sources:
Use of Breast Brachytherapy device, SAVI, getting flexible Dose modulation for normal structures in the vicinity of the device. C. Yashar, et al. Poster presented at the 2008 Breast Cancer Symposium, Washington, DC.

FDA. 5.510(k) summaries of safety and efficacy, SAVI applicator. 4 April 2008. PDF Document.

Correspondence with Liz & Dennis Dowling, Dowling, representing the PR doctor Cianna. September 15, 2008-September 17, 2008.

Radiation treatments for Breast CancerMore breast radiation (Treatmentsif on zSbL

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Grocery stores that double Coupons

Anytime we can double-nominal value of a coupon, it's a good thing. Thanks to the visitors of coupons and bargains at, we were able to put together a huge list of stores around the country, established by the State, that double coupons. The list is always changing as archives to change policies. It's a good idea to contact the store directly to see if they still double coupons.

Contact shop
If you need any help finding contact information for your local drugstore, visit the Store contacts, that lists information on many national and some independent shops.

Send an archive
If you know of a store in your area that doubles the coupons and isn't in the list, or you see a shop that has changed its policy, please use the form of readers respond on each list for comments.

Grocery stores that Double coupons by State:

States without listings
District of Columbia
New Hampshire


Make the most of your money despite troubling financial times.

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How to reduce bills by Grocery

For many of us, the amount we spend on food each month has a direct link to how much money we left for other areas of life.

$ 200 Off our monthly bill to knock food could mean the difference in the type of car we drive, we can secure the future of our children, or where we're going on vacation.

Make some adjustments based on how we approach shopping for food can make a big difference in how much to spend. The following suggestions are designed to simplify the process of saving money on groceries.

Planning-the key to saving on food
One important thing to remember about lowering our food bills is to plan your meals before you go into the store. Dedicating time grocery shopping and meal planning will cut our spending by up to 50%, if we stick to our list. -Impulse purchase thrifty shopper is the enemy, so that we should try to avoid picking up items that are not in our list.

What we really spend?
It is difficult to plan on saving money on something when we don't know really how much we are spending. A simple method to determine how much money you're going towards food each month is to put all grocery receipts in an envelope for a month and add it.

Analyze spending
What are the spending on food right? Remove the cost of toiletries and various items to find the answer. Tip: be seated when you add. Total can be staggering.

Eat before you Buy
It has been shown that going to grocery store hungry can increase our food bills up to 15 percent. This is due to impulse buying.

Too often we leave work, tired and hungry and stop at the grocery store to pick up something for dinner. This leaves us open to temptation and you end up going home with food that really we don't need.

Play it safe and fill yourself before you fill your shopping cart.

Avoid Shopping in stores Convenince
Convenience stores thrive on the principle that our quick trip for a coke cost will result in us by making a purchase of at least two other elements. These two items are probably marked by 60 percent or higher above the shop prices.

Good rule to follow-if you want a coke or a quick cup of coffee, bring only the exact or close to the exact change to help control the impulse to purchase that Twinkie!

Don't buy groceries at the toiletries
Drugstore brand generally toiletries 25 percent or higher, compared to drug discount stores. Worth a quick trip to Wal-Mart or your favorite discount drug store stocks until your toiletry. In addition, many national drug stores offer great customer loyalty programs that include controls of discount and savings for future purchases.

Become a Mixologist spicy
Food items that contain added sugars, spices and sauces are often up to 50 percent higher in price than buying the basics and do it yourself. Sugar coated cereals and seasoned dinner frozen blends are a good example.

Plan your meals in advance to avoid the temptation to buy expensive frozen and premixed meals seasoned.

Concentrated juice offers big savings
The majority of juice cartons offer the buyer the opportunity to spend up to 60% more than the cost of purchasing the equivalent of concentrated frozen. That is a big difference for the same amount of product.

Don't be shy about discount Shopping baskets
Often you can find food products that manufactures want to clear out the shelves to make room for new packages of the product itself. The baskets on sale in stores is a great way to stretch your spending.

Store brands and generic products
A super large can of store-brand spaghetti sauce is a perfect example of savings through purchasing store brand. You can break this down into reasonable proportions and lock it for later. Not only will you increase spending power, but you save on an extra trip to the store.

Don't leave money on the table
You don't have to be a coupon junky to enjoy thrifty savings to bring the coupon with you to the store. Only an inch through magazines and newspapers and clip out coupons for products that already enjoy. The savings will be added quickly without investing tons of time cropping and organization of coupons.

See also: Free Grocery Coupons resources
Enjoy saving money while you shop!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Free Online Games

There are a large number of online games, and can vary greatly in terms of cost and complexity. Previews, Reviews, demos and free trials are all good ways to find out which games to suit your tastes. You can also find lists of games divided by genre and my recommendations for the games of various kinds.Free PicksPreviews GamesGame ReviewsTop and interviewsAnarchy Online Screenshot

Enjoying a game of Internet does not cost a lot of money. Free online games available in various forms. Some can be played right through a browser window, while others require a client that is made available as a free download. While some games generate revenue at all, others are supported by ads or sell in-game extras in addition to providing a free product.

zSB (3.3)World of Warcraft Screenshot

Not sure which game you want to put your time and money? The hype can be deceptive, so reviews, playable demo, screenshots and gameplay movies can all be helpful when you choose the next game.

I can't play every game of Internet marketing, but with the help of readers and the gaming community in General, try to determine which games are in particular genres more worth recommending. You made an effort to maintain current enough and the emphasis is more recent titles, although there are certainly some classics in the mix. Your feedback counts, then make a post or email me if you have something to share.

The next big game may not be far off, and if you follow the news you can see it coming. Previews, beta impressions and interviews with game developers are also good ways to discover if an upcoming release might interest you.

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Don't let yourself be defined from breast cancer--once you become a patient, it's easy to get caught up in treatment and emotions. But you are a survivor--so take care of all aspects of your health, gather your posse and lead a healthier future. Here are some tips to help you with self-care.Berry Heart FOTOLIAFood Godeseth-Synnove and beverages can be part of your arsenal during treatment-can help alleviate side effects, as well as to build strength and endurance. Try to eat vegetable proteins (mushrooms, beans, legumes), which are easier to digest meat. If you eat meat, avoiding processed meats with nitrates. To help maintain or regain weight, add the milk, cheese and eggs to your diet, or use sauces with a fat content. Because treatment can be very drying, drink eight 8 oz glasses of water per day; reduce or avoid caffeine and swear off alcohol. When constipation is a problem, some smoothies using yogurt and frozen blueberries, strawberries. Puddings and gelatine can also be easily digest. zSB (3,3) hang up the suit Superwoman, why can't the power or strength to get through the treatment alone. You can authorize someone else to pick up your medications at the Pharmacy and ask for help with meals kitchen, pick up groceries and cleaning house. It's fair to ask for medications help alleviate side effects and if you have health insurance, ask if the medications are covered. At your clinic, ask on the road to recovery, if you need a ride to or from any adverse treatment. Your clinic may also be able to help you find home health care and financial assistance in your local community. Mild exercise during treatment, such as regular walks may help prevent anemia increase your oxygen capacity and supporting the red blood cell count. After treatment is completed, gradually increasing your exercise help you cancel your fatigue and rebuild muscle tone. Get your intention of movement can also help with chemobrain, and certainly can improve your mood and the vision of life. Try yoga, tai chi, aerobic in pool or water.Treatment for breast cancer is given in cycles, so you can plan to have a break at regular intervals. Use that time to refresh your spirits by taking a mini-vacation, such as a weekend in a retreat center, or a trip to a nearby beauty spot, art museum or concert. Having a treatment will give you something to look forward to when you're recovering from a recent treatment. Do some light gardening (always use gloves to prevent infection and cuts) and enjoy the results or visit a botanical garden for a relaxing stroll. Use humor to focus attention away from side effects--humorous funny movies, books, a meal with a positive, caring people.There are more than a body with a problem--you have feelings, thoughts and spirit. If you belong to a group of faith, ask for prayers, positive energy, encouraging phone calls or visits or a pastoral visit when it is impossible to exit. Make your prayers, or borrow prayers written by others. Keep a diary of prayer and gratitude, so you can see your progress. Take a class to learn about meditation or guided imagery, which are good ways to reduce stress, relax and improve sleep.Here's what you can do with the ride of emotions that come with diagnosis and treatment--instead of letting them control, get them out so they can deal with them! Speak or write your feelings--get a notebook Bag-sized spiral and jot down the date, and whatever you're feeling at the moment. Many times, this will help clarify the emotions and thoughts, give some relief. Are you creative? Draw or paint or sculpt a project that conveys your experience, or your hopes. Taking photographs can also be a form of meditation as well as being a documentary, making a visual recording that can look back on. Play or compose music to soothe your emotions of release or put on some songs to help you relax.Through the journey of cancer takes a lot of energy, and if you're working, raising a family or pursue a dream, you already have quite a few challenges. Set priorities for yourself and put survival at the top. The treatment of breast cancer can consume as many hours as a part-time job, so decide where to put your energy when it comes to differences with collaborators, keep the House perfectly, or become famous in your field. Your job is to complete the treatment and survival. This guide focuses on the important things in life experience. Don't waste time on negative thoughts or people daunting.Treatment can be very drying to the skin, so take extra good care of it. When bathing, use moisturizing soap and stain the skin gently with towels (don't rub). Give your skin a hydrating treatment, especially on the face before applying makeup foundation. Use additional protection from the Sun. If you are still using mild shampoo, hair, and if your hair are returned, try using the shampoo for damaged hair. Sign up for a practice session with your local program of look good feel better learn great tips on wigs, hair care and makeup. zSB (1,2) you don't need to go through the treatment only – for support, you can ask family, friends, colleagues, professionals, healthcare team, survivors and other patients. People often wonder how we can help, let them so bring a meal or do the laundry when you're fatigued. Colleagues can help guide you to the clinic, or take notes during a meeting to lose, or listen when you have a bad day. Don't forget to ask the health care team – a resource nurses are particularly good ways to feel better. Find a survivor who had a diagnosis like yours and ask them to mentor you. Meeting with a support group of other patients who can encourage and help educate you. You might be surprised how many people care.Take control of as much as possible during treatment, understand how it can. Request copies of your test results and keep a notebook of them all. Save receipts from your clinic and hospital. If you ever need a second opinion, or to challenge your insurance, they will be invaluable! Make informed decisions; Learn as much as possible to the diagnosis and treatment. Every question that comes to mind and keep notes (or tape record) responses. If (zSbL

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How to learn magic tricks

Want to learn magic tricks? If you have a true love for the art of magic, the next step is to learn magic tricks, develop presentations for them and get wet feet in front and to the public. Here's almost everything you need to learn and to perform magic tricks with success.

At this point, you're probably intrigued by magic tricks and would like to learn a few. For this, see my collection of easy magic tricks that you can learn and perform. All the tricks they employ common, everyday materials and do not require complicated-than-trick or moves. Just follow the step-by-step instructions. And, if you want, you can also learn some easy card tricks.

As you learn and master magic tricks easy, I recommend that you begin your formal study of the art of magic, primarily through books and DVDs a couple that I recommend. Here you'll learn that more sophisticated magic tricks as well as the presentation of magic. Here on the site, you can also learn and master the basic techniques of magical.

To move forward in the art of magic, it is important that you meet other magicians. Here at, we have a forum where you can ask questions related magic to our many members of the magician. You will be given almost always an answer and a response. (You don't need to be a member of the forum to read and make use of its content.) Monitor the forum on a daily basis, and this is the best way to get answers to your questions from me.

Another way to meet other magicians magic is to find a club near you that convenes. You can find links to IBM (International Brotherhood of magicians) and SAM (society of American magicians) and find a local organization that arm is close to you.

As you learn, you'll probably want to magic tricks or DVDs that are in your area choose the kind of interest or magic (stand-up, tabs, etc. ..). For this, you can read my reviews several magic tricks and instructional DVDs.

Finally, you'll be ready to put together an Act and procedures. For this, provide advice on how to choose the tricks and the routines for your audience, location, skill level and more. And performance tips, you'll find an entire section dedicated to the argument that we discuss dealing with nervousness, applying themes, how to prepare for your first show, and more.

All that remains is to develop a routine and find an audience. Good luck.

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Surgical Margins

After my breast biopsy showed cancer, my surgeon has agreed to make a Lumpectomy to see if he could get clear margins around my tumor. He explained the importance of getting all the cancer, but all I focused on was keeping my chest.

When you are faced with the decision between a Lumpectomy and mastectomy, can feel pretty scared and confused. Understand more about surgical margins helps a better handle on where can get closer to a cure.

In order to understand more about surgical margins and treatment decisions, I looked at what the experts say in UpToDate--a trusted electronic reference that is used by many Oncologists who treat patients with breast cancer.

If you're facing this decision –-Lumpectomy or mastectomy –-you need to know how the status of your surgical margins enters the total formula. Start by reading this excerpt to see why surgical margins are important to you.

If you've had a biopsy, the tumor is small (under 4 '') and your surgical margins are clear, and then a Lumpectomy may be all the breast surgery that you need (although, again, you can opt for a mastectomy). If you choose a breast Lumpectomy, radiation therapy is offered to prevent cancer.

Your lymph nodes must also be checked; If you are free of the disease, you probably do not need radiation treatment in that position after surgery. If you are unclear, the radiation oncologist may recommend. After completing radiation, if necessary, and if you have cancer estrogen sensitive, then you would take hormonal therapy for 5 years to avoid repeated elsewhere in the body.

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DIEP Flap Surgery

You should plan to stay in the hospital for 3 or 4 days after this speech, so that nurses can keep an eye on your healing process. Pack loose and comfortable clothing for your trip home (allow room to drain). When the accumulation of liquid is considerably decreased, you may be able to have your drains are removed, that should be about one week after surgery. Plan on rest for 4-6 weeks after a DIEP and make sure that someone will be around to drive and lift for you. Ongoing plan for follow-up appointments so the surgeon can assess the healing progress, dressings and incisions. zSB (3.3) If you have enough skin and fat on your belly to create two new breasts, you can have a DIEP flap reconstruction after a double mastectomy. If you have had abdominal tissue, used for the reconstruction of the breast (TRAM flap), then you must choose a different method (lat flap or system).DIEP flap surgery is microsurgery, which requires extensive training and experience, as well as special facilities and surgical instruments. The sutures are used to reconnect blood vessels are about the same diameter as a strand of hair. Your surgical team will use a high-powered microscope to perform the most critical part of this procedure (reconnection of blood vessels). Choose carefully, a surgeon for this reconstruction by asking many questions, until you feel comfortable making a decision to go ahead with the procedure.

Find plastic surgeons in your area/reconstructive

There are many types of breast reconstruction-implants, TRAM, Backs Latissimus, SGAP, DIEP flap. How can you have? We recommend you to anyone else? What went right or wrong with reconstruction?Reconstruction of Techniquesif (zSbL

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Breast Ultrasound Exam

What you need to know about your breast to breast ultrasound: ultrasound exam is usually done after a mammogram or clinical examination reveals an area of concern that does not display clearly. Uses very little pressure, and the examination is usually painless. Because ultrasound using high frequency sound waves instead of x-rays, your chest is not exposed to radiation. Ultrasound can be used to clear imaging of dense breast tissue and are safe for women who are pregnant or who have breast implants. The review can take from 10 to 30 minutes to complete.Medical records to bring along: bring a list of latest mammograms that you've had done. If you've had breast surgery, note the types of treatment or surgery, biopsy, you've got and when she had them. You may need to complete any paperwork before the appointment. Bring your medical insurance card with you, too.Dress as you would for a mammogram, in a loose gown in two pieces with a top easy to remove.You will be asked to remove your clothing from the waist up. Will then in a dress that is open in front.
Ultrasound equipment resembles a workstation computer, with an eye level monitor, keyboard and trackball, a computer and wands of various forms (transducers) which are suitable for different types of ultrasound examinations. The room will be blurred so that the operator can clearly see ultrasound images of your womb on the monitor.You are on your back on a table. You may need a pillow under his head and shoulders, or a Wedge cushion under your back, to get you in the correct location for the examination. May be required to lift or arm over your head, as you would during a clinical breast examination. Clear Gel will be put on your skin near the area that will be observed. The gel will help the transducer glide smoothly and make good contact with the skin. The operator will place the transducer over the area to be examined. While pressing firmly, he'll slide back and forth the transducer and watching images created on the monitor. When you find the exact area that must be watched, the finding may be observed, measured and shown for the radiologist. The gel will be cancelled and you will have time to dress. May be asked to wait while the radiologist watch your ultrasound.You can ask to see the image, but does not require the operator to a diagnosis. The radiologist will talk to you, your physician will contact you to discuss. You can ask your doctor for a copy of the ultrasound report for your medical records. source: Breast Ultrasound. Copyright ? 2007 Radiological Society of North America, Inc (RSNA) if (zSbL

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Monday, February 21, 2011

12 easy Chinese Recipes

Basic Fried RiceRhonda Parkinson

This is a basic recipe for fried rice that you can add to what you want.

More recipes below

Kung Pao chicken is often served during the Chinese new year season. This recipe stir-fry has a little less heat than what you find on many versions of Kung Pao chicken restaurant, making it easier to pair with wine, beer or spirits. It includes a nutritional breakdown.

This is a variation on the classic Moo Shu pork plate, using the chicken breasts and flour tortillas. Taste of scrap large heated for lunch the next day.

More Chinese new year recipes
Main dishes

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Melatonin and breast cancer

Emilio j. S?nchez-Barcel?, Samuel Cos, Dolores Mediavilla, Carlos Mart?nez-Campa, Alicia Gonz?lez, Carolina Alonso-Gonzalez (2005). Interaction of melatonin-estrogen in breast cancer. Journal of Research pineal 38 (4), 217-222, 2004.

Location of estrogen-signaling: a link between breast cancer and melatonin oncostatic actions. Cancer detection and prevention, Volume 30, Issue 2, pages 118-128, 2006. Cos s. r. Gonz?lez, c. Mart?nez-Campa, m. Mediavilla, c. Alonso-Gonz?lez, e. S?nchez-Barcel?.

Lissoni P, Tancini F, G, Paolorossi M, A Mandala Ardizzoia, Malugani F, et al. Chemoneuroendocrine treatment of metastatic breast cancer with persistent thrombocytopenia with weekly low-dose epirubicin plus melatonin: a phase II study. J Res pineal gland. 1999; 26 (3): 169-173.

Schernhammer and levels of urinary melatonin Hankinson s. and the risk of breast cancer. J Nat Delete this 2005; 97 (14): 1084-1087.

Medical Center of the University of Maryland. Melatonin medical reference – complementary medicine –. Revision date: 10/17/2005.

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PARP Inhibitors

National Cancer Institute. Dictionary of cancer terms. PARP-1 inhibitor AG014699.

Triple negative metastatic breast cancer: a phase 2, multi-center, Open-Label, Randomized Trial of Gemcitabine/carboplatin (G/C) with or without BSI-201, a PARP inhibitor. J. O'Shaughnessy, c. Osborne, j. Blum, j. Pippen, m. Yoffe, d. g. Patt, Monaghan, c. Rocha, v. Ossovskaya, b. Sherman and c. Bradley. SABCS Poster, December 2008.

Recombination repair and treatment of cancer BRCA genes. Helleday, Thomas, Arnaudeau, c., Lundin, c. nature 434, 913-7. (2005).

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Cryoablation Procedures

Fibroadenomas breast – a type of benign breast lump – can be killed with the intense cold of Cryoablation treatment.  The Visica2TM treatment system received FDA clearance in 2001 for the treatment of soft tissue injuries, such as fibroadenomas. Instead of removing a traditional fibroadenoma with a Lumpectomy, Cryoablation stops simply the clot of death, so that healthy tissue can take his place. Fibroadenoma Cryoablation is visited in an Office, less than 30 minutes and translates into a small scar. Here's what to expect during a the Cryoablation of breast fibroadenoma.

Cryoablation for fibroadenomas Visica is available on the market in most American States.  This procedure is performed in your doctor's Office and does not require general anesthesia, which keeps costs low and avoid a visit to the hospital.

You must have a clear diagnosis of fibroadenoma, confirmed by a biopsy of the breast, to rule out other conditions. The fibroadenoma must be 4 centimeters or smaller, and multiple fibroadenomas may be treated during the visit of the Office.

If you have high blood pressure, haemophilia or a larger than 4 centimeters fibroadenoma, Cryoablation might not be the best choice.

A the Cryoablation of breast fibroadenoma can be done in your doctor's Office. Does not require general anesthesia. The procedure is done with local anesthesia, so you will be awake but should not feel no pain during the procedure.  Your breasts will not be compressed (as for a biopsy mammography or sterotactic).

You will undress from the waist up and lie comfortably on a table examination procedure.

You will be able to drive you back to your home or work after treatment Cryoablation.  Don't do any lifting or strenuous activities for about 24 hours.  Avoid heavy sports and activities for the next 3-4 days.

It is normal to have some bruising, tenderness, and in rare cases, some pain at the site of engraving.  Can you take ibuprofen to relieve a discomfort.

How to heal, you'll be able to hear a firm where he found the fibroadenoma – but that will fade.  Why Cryoablation broke the cells and destroyed the blood supply to the fibroadenoma, will not be able to regrow. Instead, it will be replaced by healthy tissue.

You will have a follow-up appointment, and then picks up the annual schedule of mammograms.

Patients who have had a Lumpectomy rather than for a the Cryoablation fibroadenoma they recommend the procedure.  Dr. Cary Kaufman wrote that both patients and doctors were satisfied with the cosmetic results – the heart never Cryoablation changes shape, it has almost no SCAR and improves the texture.

Dr. Kaufman and his colleagues followed the progress of Cryoablation patients for three years. Here's what they found:

69% of fibroadenomas ? 2 cm cryoablated may not be heard after the 6% of months84 of cryoablated fibroadenomas could not be heard or were softer, less prominent or 12% of months97 of patients and the doctors were 100% satisfied with the results after the 2.6% of years100 of cryoablated fibroadenomas have regrown

Kaufman, C.S., Littrup, P.J., Freeman-Gibb, Los Angeles, "Office Cryoablation of Fibroadenomas breast based with long-term follow-up," the breast Journal, 2005, (11), 344-350.

American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBS), an official statement, "management of Fibroadenomas in the breast," revised 8 December 2005.

Cryosurgery for the treatment of cancer: questions and answers.  National Cancer Institute. Reviewed: 09/10/2003.

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What is Neulasta (pegfilgrastim)?: Neulasta (pegfilgrastim) is a medication given to patients with neutropenia (low neutrophil count). An injection of Neulasta stimulates the production of white blood cell with a synthetic version of a Colony-stimulating factor granulocyte (G-CSF). Is a clear fluid that is usually given as a shot where the needle is inserted under the skin.Chemotherapy for breast cancer affects all cells divide rapidly in your body, including bone marrow cells, producing red and white blood cells and platelets. If your CBC shows that the neutrophil count is low, it might be neutropenic. Injection of Neulasta may increase the production of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight infection.Usually, the body produces a protein that stimulates the production of neutrophils. But during chemotherapy for breast cancer, your body can't make enough of this protein. The CBC can reveal that blood neutrophil counts are low and neutropenic. The correct dose of this drug will increase the production of neutrophils.You'll get an injection of Neulasta approximately 24 hours after the infusion of chemotherapy. It cannot receive soon because it might be less effective. Unlike on Neupogen, which must be given repeatedly until your low neutrophil counts counts rise, Neulasta is given only once per chemotherapy cycle 2 or 3 weeks. You can have this injection in your upper arm, abdomen, thigh, or buttocks.Not all side effects of Neulasta, but here are more commonly known: If you have these side effects, can you take Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen) to help reduce pain and fever. Dive into a warm bath can also help with bone pain from Neulasta. Call your doctor if you have these symptoms: urgent symptoms include: allergic reaction (hives, trouble breathing; swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat; rash spreading over your body) abdominal painPossible shoulder the risks of using Neulasta: Neulasta is a very safe drug used for many types of neutrapenia. There usually are no ill effects from this medication. Side effects that occur will Cone and shall cease when you stop receiving Neulasta shots. There have been cases of rupture of spleen causing death, although this is extremely rare.
Do not take this medicine if: you are pregnant or breastfeeding are allergic to Neulasta you are allergic to products made using the bacteria e. coliRecommendations during treatment: before the first injection of Neulasta, your doctor will order regular CBC to get your levels of blood cells, platelets and red and white, with particular attention to your neutrophils. As processing progresses, you will have more blood tests to check the effectiveness of Neulasta.

If you are pregnant or nursing, discuss this with your doctor before taking Neulasta. There are sufficient studies to determine the effect of this drug on breast milk or the human fetus.


FDA. Drug information. Pegfilgrastim. Updated: September 25, 2003

More about testing and side Effectsif (zSbL

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Free wigs for cancer patients

Chemotherapy is fighting cancer, but also causes hair loss. Radiation therapy to the head can cause hair loss. And that leads us to the need for a popular head cover--a wig! A wig can cost from $ 40 to thousands of dollars. But when your budget is already strained to the cost of surgery and other treatments, even a wig $ 40 sale may seem out of reach. Fortunately, there are ways to find free wigs. Here are five places to search for a wig free during cancer treatment.

American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society accepts donations of wigs, which collect their banks in wig local chapters. These wigs were cleaned and kept ready for use. If you do not have any health insurance and need help, contact your local American Cancer Society and ask for information about patient services. Some of the wigs are distributed through ACS and some are delivered to local meetings look good feel better, along with coatings and cosmetics.

Cancer Consultants
1-800-813-HOPE (4673)

As part of their women, cancer, cancer consultants offers financial assistance and counselling, support groups and patient education. They also provide free breast implants and wigs for women who have lost their hair or the breast of their cancer treatment.

Breast cancer network of strength

When the Y-Me National Breast Cancer Organization changed its name to Breast Cancer Network of strength, it has not changed its mission. NCBS provides wigs, prostheses and mastectomy bras to women whose budget as soon as you extend to cover the cost of these items. Contact them to find out where the nearest office of the affiliate who has a Bank of prostheses & wig. NCBS offices have often salons where women can try on items before taking them home.

Crickett's response to cancer

This non-profit organization provides free wigs, mastectomy products, mastectomy and lymph drainage massages, facials and other beauty services, as a way to keep a woman feeling feminine and beautiful despite the loss of her hair and/or breasts. Crickett was founded in honor of Crickett Julius, who died in October of 2006, only four months after being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at the age of 39. Crickett is based in south central areas of Pennsylvania, Baltimore and Washington, DC. Carole Trone, co-founder of Crickett says, "we provide assistance for women all across the United States We mail or email a registration package and then not even order online wigs or arrange for other products or services with suppliers in the local area."

Canadian Cancer Society

In Canada, Pantene Beautiful lengths and the Canadian Cancer Society have joined forces to encourage women to donate their hair wigs that are made and distributed to women who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment. Pantene provides the requirements for a hair donation kits, and advice on how to hold an event of haircut. Six ponytails need to create a wig, which will be given away through the Canadian Cancer Society.

Pay It Forward

When your hair has grown back and you're ready to show your curls chemo, donate the wig of a cancer support organization, so that someone else might enjoy. If you have difficulties to find a place that will donors wigs, contact your local hospital and ask if they have a cancer clinic-they may be looking for donations of items for cancer treatment. You can also donate money to registered charities that supply Parrucco women in treatment for breast cancer but can't afford the price of a wig. Get a wig flattering can help a woman feels that she looks attractive--this may raise his spirits greatly during a time when you are fighting cancer. After a wig you have served well, consider giving a new life with other survivor.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

28 Easy Magic Tricks

I'm sorry, I could not read the contents fromt here.

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Basophil cellBasophiles CellIllustration ? A.d.a.m. definition: a type of white blood cells (leukocyte). These cells help fight infections with the release of histamine and other chemicals that help to dilate blood vessels, when you activate the immune response. Are part of the subset of white blood cells: neutrophils, called granulocytes, eosinophils and basophils.alternate spellings: basophile common misspellings: basofil, basefilBasophils help fight bacterial infections. The prills into a basophiles will easily color (stain) from synthetic dyes from aniline (Basic). In this image, basophiles granules are stained blue. If (zSbL

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PAP Test for breast cancer

HALO Breast Pap Test EquipmentHALO Breast Pap Test EquipmentPhoto ? NeoMatrix stop before it gets started on breast cancer: abnormal breast cells does not transform a tumor at night – it starts with a cell, only – that is damaged or malfunctioning. Gradually, there are two, four, then eight abnormal cells that live in your chest. Do not feel a lump from a few cells, a mammogram or ultrasound does not reveal these cells and they could develop into breast cancer. But research shows that having abnormal cells in your fluid nipple is related to an increased risk of breast cancer. Having a breast Pap test could help find those cells and prevent the development of breast cancer.A new screening tests for breast cancer called HALO uses a non-invasive technology for suction nipple aspirate fluid out some (NAF), which is tested for cells polyps. HALO test may be able to help determine the risk of breast cancer up to seven years before a self breast examination or mammogram revealed a lump. The Halo is a screening test, not a diagnostic test. Replace not having a mammogram, breast self-exam or a clinical breast examination.Importance of Screening nipple aspirate fluid: young men and premenopausal women typically have dense breast tissue, which can hide abnormalities during mammography. Women under 40 are discouraged from having annual mammograms, to reduce their lifetime exposure to radiation and because of the high rates of inaccurate results. If young women develop breast cancer, it is generally a high-end, aggressive tumor that often requires a more aggressive treatment to be successful. Early detection of abnormal cells in the breast helps to determine more precisely the risk of breast cancer and that start being more vigilant, if necessary, about your breast health. Early Screening – right where most Breast Cancer begins: Pap smear done from your gynecologist is a simple test that screening for cervical cancer. If abnormal cells are found, a woman has no other evidence to determine its diagnosis. As the cervical Pap smear, alone takes a sample of the fluid from your nipple and screens for abnormal cells. Research shows that have abnormal cells or have, in the nipple aspirate fluid (NAF), raises the risk of developing breast cancer. Nipple aspirate fluid comes from your the milk ducts, where to start almost all (95%) of invasive breast cancer.Why is it called the Pap Test?: min Papanicolaou in 1943, Dr. and Dr. Herbert Traut has published a book titled, "Diagnosis of cancer of the uterus by vaginal smear." Pap smear, used for screening of cervical cancer, has been named for Dr. Papanicolaou, who in 1958 presented research that showed that the presence of abnormal cells in nipple aspirate fluid identified correctly women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer.Advantages of HALO Breast Pap Test: after the doctors began making annual cervical Pap smears on their patients, the mortality rate of cervical cancer has declined dramatically. The researchers hope that the Pap test will cause a major decline in breast cancer deaths from breast cancer and move the focus from "detection and treatment" to "early, accurate screening and prevention". Cost and Comfort of a health insurance provider HALO Breast Test: most don't even cover the cost of a Pap test within HALO. You can expect to spend about $ 100 of your own money for this test. Glow lasts approximately five minutes and uses a number of comfortable heat and aspiration to gather some fluids from your nipple. No needles or catheters are used, so is an invasive test. Unlike A mammogram, no compression is used. You'll get results from the laboratory approximately one week after the test. Some possible results are: not fluid: normal (non) risk for breast cancer benign nipple: may be caused by medications, infections, intraductal depigmented or pregnancy fluid containing normal cells: two times the normal risk for breast cancer fluid that contains abnormal cells: the risk of breast cancer increases by 4-5 times the normal riskActions you can take if your risk level is higher than normal: after obtaining test results, if you find that you have a greater than normal risk of developing breast cancer, you can start to take action. At higher risk does not guarantee that you will get breast cancer, but it is a call to action. Take control of these things can help reduce the risk: adopt a healthy lifestyle doesn't ignore the projections of diagnostic routines and consider rather than routine mammograms play correctly your breast self-exam and have annual clinical breast examinations talk to your doctor about drugs and minor surgical procedures that can help reduce your riskif (zSbL

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Arm Exercise HowTo

Angle push-ups are a great way to lengthen the muscles-muscles main crossing the chest. All you need is a corner of a room and some time to make your angle push-ups. Lengthening muscles recovers from surgery of the breast.

Angle push-ups-standing exercise

After breast surgery or shoulder, breast muscles may feel tight and hard. One way to get those muscles still move is doing some angle push-ups. If you don't have a corner of a room with enough clear wall and floor space to use, find an open port to use instead. The idea is to use your body weight exercise muscles of passively.

Walk up to a corner of a room and rest both forearms on the wall, having the level of the upper arms with the floor. While standing straight, take about half a step backwards. This will be the starting point.With your back straight and keep your forearms and feet yet, lean gently in the corner until you feel a good stretch. You should hear the shoulder blades towards your spine. Hold this position for about 30 seconds, then gently back to position 1.

Repeat this operation three times, then take a break. Be sure not to bend your back or scoot your arms along the wall while doing push-ups corner. If you do not lean on the corner far away, that is OK-just do what you can. Move gently and smoothly. If you feel pain stop. Over time, will be able to do the angle push-ups correctly.

Year: towel Stretch

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MUGA scans and Anthracyclines

Heart AnatomyHeart AnatomyIllustration ? A.d.a.m. Before I could be treated with an anthracycline (a powerful chemotherapy medication) in 2002, I had to have a special test made on my heart--a test called a scan multiple gated acquisition of absorption, or MUGA scan for short.

The need for the test I took a bit of a surprise, but given that a type of anthracycline--Adriamycin--was nicknamed "The Red Devil" by some, maybe I shouldn't have been. This liquid, Ruby is often given in conjunction with other medications for the treatment of breast cancer at an early stage. While tough on cancer cells (good), can also be hard for the heart muscle (not good at all).

Anthracycline drugs in this class consist of Streptomyces bacteria. These drugs are powerful, but antibiotics are terrifically too toxic for ordinary infections. Anthracyclines are used to treat several types of cancer than any other class of chemotherapy drugs. Other examples of anthracyclines include Daunorubicin (daunomicina) and epirubicin.

In order to understand more about anthracyclines and MUGA scans, I looked at what the experts say about UpToDate--a trusted electronic reference that is used by many Oncologists who treat patients with breast cancer.

If you are in the same boat as I was a little confused about the powerful drug that you gave and proof that you never thought it would be necessary, read this story and monitors that will help you better get a handle on anthrayclines and your heart.

Evaluation of myocardial function: a discussion on the diagnosis and staging Workup from UpToDate

"many women with early stage breast cancer will be recommended anthracycline containing adjuvant chemotherapy. Anthracyclines as doxorubicin cardiotoxicity associated with limiting the dose, rollup. Although the dose received more adjuvant regimens (240 mg/m2 of doxorubicin) is lower than that which greatly increases the risk of cardiotoxicity (? 450 mg/m2), systematic evaluation of left ventricular function with multiple scans of the gated acquisition (MUGA) is a common practice. Women with LVEFs less than 30-35% should not receive
doxorubicin. "How do Anthracyclines affect my heart?

Anthracyclines are cardiotoxic, which means that they are potentially harmful to the heart muscle. If the heart muscle is damaged by an anthracycline, could be at risk of heart failure, a problem that cannot show up years after the end of your treatment. Because of this potential damage to your heart, there is a limit to how much can be given in General. The doctor must calculate the cumulative dose so that treatment can be stopped before it reaches the maximum.

What exactly is a scanning MUGA and an LVEF?

MUGA scan is a test that takes pictures of your heart as it pumps. It is used for many reasons; for patients who will need chemotherapy, is done to see how well your heart pump blood. The result that produces is called the ejection fraction. In particular, this test allows your doctor to see how much blood your left ventricle pumps whenever your heart beats. This result is known as the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF).

That should not be treated with Anthracyclines?

If you have a heart condition, you may not be a good candidate for anthracycline chemotherapy. After a scan MUGA, if your score is already low, LVEF your doctor does not want can further damage your heart.

If you have a scan MUGA?

Patients who are candidates for treatment with Herceptin (trastuzumab) may be wondering if they should get a scan MUGA, cardiotoxicity is a potential complication herceptin given and if anthracylines together. However, because of this potential, these drugs are not given in combination. That said, the drugs can be produced sequentially; Although it remains a high rate of cardiotoxicity, good surveillance--through MUGA scans--can reduce problems before they get serious.

If trastuzumab is in your future, we recommend a minimum of one scan MUGA--conducted before starting drug treatment--. More scans MUGA during therapy and for a short period after the treatment is completed also trastuzamab are done routinely.

Note: Some centers rely on an Echocardiogram MUGA scan instead.

want to know more? See topic of UpToDate, "diagnostic assessment and the initial visit to the work of women with suspected breast cancer: evaluation of myocardial function," for more in-depth medical information, current and unbiased on breast cancer, including recommendations of expert physician.


Laura j. Esserman and Bonnie no Joe, "diagnostic assessment and the initial visit to the work of women with suspected breast cancer: evaluation of myocardial function" UpToDate. Access: January 2009.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cryoablation Is Visica

Fibroadenomas, a clot of common benign breast may be removed during a Lumpectomy. But you could say only the fibroadenoma pesky take a cold. Cryoablation can be used to eliminate those lumps by freezing them with a technology called Visica 2TM treatment system.

Approved by the FDA in 2001, Visica uses the intense cold to destroy the fibroadenoma. You are left with only a small scar, without sutures and no change in the shape of the breast. Cryoablation is done as an outpatient procedure 30 minutes with local anesthesia.

Fibroadenomas benign but annoying
That lump of smooth and flexible that you can feel it in your chest may be an anomaly, fibroadenoma of breast harmless. Fibroadenomas may show clearly on your mammogram, where they look like cysts, and ultrasound as a dark mass with a hard edge. Most Fibroadenomas are painless unless they become large or in the vicinity of your skin. To obtain a clear diagnosis of fibroadenoma and to exclude a malignant clot, to perform a biopsy of the breast.

If you have one or more painful and fibroadenomas are more than 40 years, many doctors recommend removing them. The standard treatment was a the Cryoablation Lumpectomy, but can be used for breast fibroadenomas, liver, kidney, prostate and bone cancer.

Breast Surgeons using Cryoablation to Fibroadenomas
Breast Surgeons were using Cryoablation for treating fibroadenomas. Dr. Cary Kaufman has worked with a team of researchers to determine the safety, efficacy and patient satisfaction with cryoblation. They found that 30 months after treatment, most fibroadenomas had shrunk so much that patients could no longer feel them. Cryoblation did not interfere with follow-up mammogram or ultrasound. All doctors and 97% of patients have been very satisfied with the results of cryoblation.

Dr. Deanna Attai, a breast surgeon in California, says, "I have been treating patients with fibroadenomas in my practice with Cryoablation since 2004 and have been very satisfied with the results". She notes that patients as Visica Cryoablation, because the cosmetic results are higher than a Lumpectomy.

Good candidates for Cryoablation
If your fibroadenoma is 4 cm or smaller, you might be a good candidate for a the Cryoablation process. The fibroadenoma must be clearly seen on your mammogram and ultrasound, with a diagnosis confirmed by a biopsy of the breast. Should not be pregnant and breastfeeding. If you have multiple fibroadenomas, those can all be treated in the course of the procedure.

Cryoablation kills Fibroadenomas quickly
Having a the Cryoablation treatment if not impacted much at all. This procedure can be done right in your doctor's Office. From start to finish, the whole process will take just about 30 minutes. You will not have a large dressing, surgical and anesthetic is woozy from. If you are curious about the procedure itself, here is a complete description of a the Cryoablation. fibroadenoma

Advantages and disadvantages of Cryoablation Fibroadenoma
Cryoablation does not remove fabric, so that the shape of your breasts is not distorted. The scar of 3 mm will soon be able to heal and fade. And because the cutting insert is so small, the risk of infection is lower than that of a standard surgical procedure.

There is no visit hospital, which maintains the lowest cost. Fast recovery--in fact, you can return to normal activities immediately and take part in sport 3 or 4 days later. You will have some bruising, and may need to take Tylenol for any discomfort you during recovery.

If you have high blood pressure, haemophilia or a very large, Cryoablation fibroadenoma might not be the best choice. Check with your doctor to see how you will benefit most.

Cryoablation of breast cancer
The Visica treatment system is currently a the Cryoablation National Cancer Institute-funded Phase 2 clinical trial for Cryoablation of breast cancer. Cryoablation to kill a malignant tumour, as well as a margin of tissue around the tumor. Just as the procedure for fibroadenoma is done in an Office, a breast cancer could be frozen to death in your doctor's Office. This can save the trauma of surgery and hospital costs.

Cryoablation for cancer seem to have unexpected, another advantage. Dr. Weil Rache Simmons Cornell Medical Center, explains, "what we showed in mouse models is that there is something actually acts as an auto-vaccine against your cancer, and what we think can happen is that when you block the cancer, then releases the cancer DNA in our blood stream, and then our immune system can recognize this cancer DNA and mount an auto-vaccine, say, against breast cancer Cryoablation process." This effect of cryoimmunology can produce custom vaccines that could reduce any secondary cancer sites for the patient.

In his book, "5 lessons i didn't learn from breast cancer," Shelley Lewis wrote that he planned to go on with his life during treatment. MS Lewis wanted to have "breast cancer in 20 minutes" and get right to work. Perhaps with Cryoablation, one day we will have a non-surgical treatment of 20 minutes for breast cancer that triggers our own resources of the body to fight cancer, of course. Then we can say cancer-cool for good!


Kaufman, C.S., Littrup, P.J., Freeman-Gibb, Los Angeles, "Office Cryoablation of Fibroadenomas breast based with long-term follow-up," the breast Journal, 2005, (11), 344-350.

American Society of Breast Surgeons, official statement, "management of Fibroadenomas in the breast," revised 12/8/2005

Cryosurgery for the treatment of cancer: questions and answers. National Cancer Institute. Reviewed: 09/10/2003.

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Arm Exercises

Arm exercises were the last thing on my mind after my mastectomy. My reach to recovery volunteer demonstrated exercises post-surgical arm me and described his shoulder problems after breast surgery. I felt good, so I skipped doing the exercises--a bad decision. Slowly, I developed a frozen shoulder and then a clear case of lymphedema. Don't make my mistake. Talk to your doctor to make these arm exercises and then begin to move gently down the road to recovery. If you've had breast surgery, lymph node removal or radiation of the breast, you have to do some exercises to help you recover. Arm exercises can help you reduce the side effects of treatment and return to normal activities.

Breast surgery can affect the range of motion in your arm and shoulder. A mastectomy, Lumpectomy or breast reconstruction change your balance and affects the lymphatic circulation and nerves. These in turn can lead to shoulder stiffness and problems with bathing, Dressing and grooming. When the lymph nodes were removed, you can develop some Lymphedema hand or arm. Exercises, and in some cases, sleeves can help prevent and relieve these side effects.

Breast radiation can change easily as breathing, as well as affect the arm and shoulder during and several months after treatment. Why breast radiation can sometimes affect the lungs, deep breathing exercises can be necessary to help you regain your lung capacity. If the arm and shoulder are affected equally, arm exercises can help loosen and stretch the muscles and connective tissue.

Be sure to discuss plans with your doctor before you start. The doctor may refer to a physical therapist or a Reach to recovery volunteer, so that you can learn the proper way to arm exercises.

Wait until the Surgical drains are out to begin the exercise. There is no need to strain stitch the company that maintains the drainage tube in place on your chest. If your chest incision points are still in force, moving gently in order to avoid tearing the skin or causing the engraving of fold. Once that discharges are gone and the points are out, you can start this exercise (as you feel able). Do any of the years to the point of pain.

For any exercise routine, good preparation helps you reach your goals. You want to retrieve the arm movement, reduce pain and swelling and return to normal activities. Here are some things to keep in mind before you begin: wear loose and comfortable clothing for exercise. It is not looking good; it comes to feel better and move easily. Try taking a hot shower or a tub of rest before beginning the exercises to relax the muscles. This can also reduce pain. Alternatively, try taking ibuprofen approximately 30 minutes before exercise. It can also help a package hot on your shoulder for 20 minutes. Do the exercises slowly and gently--you're going for a good stretch, not a burn or a new speed record. Pain is a signal that should stop, stand or work more gently. Remember to breathe deeply and out while exercising. You have to inflate your lungs, bringing oxygen in your body, then relax and breathe. It is normal to feel some tightness in your chest and Axilla after breast surgery, and where they were cut the nerves, you may feel numb. Exercising gently help alleviate these feelings.Any good exercise routine must be regular, so building this into your schedule. Withdrawn twice a day when you can go through a series of exercises of arm. Play calming music, positive while you stretch. Repeat each exercise five to seven times, as well as you can. How you recover, you can add repetitions or stretch a little further. If you can do the exercises, or are painful, consult your doctor. And if you do not notice any improvement in the movement of the arm exercise, get your doctor to assess your range of motion and discuss your options. You can get your arms and shoulders on the move again, but it takes time. Don't give up.


Exercises after breast surgery. American Cancer Society. Access: June 2009; Last update: 30/07/2008.

Exercise and secondary Lymphedema: safety, the potential benefits and research themes. Hayes SC, Reul-Hirche winning entry H, Turner j Med Sci Sports Exerc. Mar 2009; 41 (3): 483-9.

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Ixempra (Ixabepilone)

Ixempra is a chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer. Is used after some other drugs have been tested and cancer does not meet or no longer responds to treatment. Ixempra is a member of epothilones, a new family of anticancer drugs.

also known as: Ixabepilone

This medication is used to treat breast cancer metastatic or locally advanced. Ixempra is prescribed only for patients whose tumors are resistant to, or do not enjoy the Capecitabine (Xeloda), taxanes (Taxol) and anthracyclines (including Adriamycin). Ixempra is part of the class agent of antineoplastic drugs. This drug slows or inhibits the growth of a neoplasm, or a tumor, preventing cell division. Ixempra is given as an intravenous infusion in a vein or port. Can be given alone or in combination with the medicine oral Capecitabine (Xeloda).

About an hour before the infusion, you will be given premedications that reduces the chance of an allergic reaction. If you have an allergic reaction, you may be given a steroid before infusion.

This drug is usually given once every three weeks, and teas take about three hours each.

Ixempra-effects, risks, recommendations

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Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia

Chemotherapy can cause Anemia: your blood is produced by special cells, rapidly-dividing in bone marrow. Chemotherapy treatments will kill some of your bone marrow cells, which results in a few blood cells.
Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen throughout your body. Without enough oxygen, tissues and organs will struggle to work. Before and after each chemotherapy cycle, you will have a CBC to verify counts your red and white blood cells and platelets. When the red blood cell count drops below normal, you are considered to be anemic.The symptoms of Anemia caused by chemotherapy: If your red blood cell (RBC) counts are low, it is possible that these symptoms: dizziness, weakness, skin or stunning fatigue (feeling tired, low energy) may become pale chills shortness of breath serious cases of anaemia can have these symptoms: chest pains, low blood pressure heart palpitations extremely weak (might need help walk) rapid breathing, painted blue fingernailsKeep a log of all your symptoms. Note the dates and times you experience them and classify the severity of each symptom (example: 1 = mild, 10 = severe). If you experience symptoms of anemia, call your doctor. If you have these symptoms, in particular, call for an appointment soon: fever of 100.5 degrees or greater tiredness that persists or worsens despite confusion/disorientation (you can't think straight) rest breathlessness or rapid pulse after slight activityTo get a clear diagnosis of chemotherapy-induced anemia, you will need to have a complete blood count (CBC) to verify the red blood cells and hemoglobin.If your number of red blood cells is dramatically lower, can be treated with injections of a growth factor, as Procrit and Aranesp. If your phone is not responding to treatments, you may need a blood transfusion.Helping yourself through the hassle of Anemia: in addition to medical treatment for chemotherapy-induced anemia, taking care of yourself is to speed up the recovery. Here are some tips about self-care: take short breaks or NAPs. Prioritize your day to save your energy. Work on the tasks in small explosions--not do everything at once. Ask for help with tasks you can delegate. Eat well, be sure to include the protein in your diet. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. Engage in gentle exercise, how you feel able. if (zSbL

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Exercise and breast cancer

You do not need to start running or Triathlon training for a boxing match to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Do regular exercise will cut down the risk of developing the disease and to prevent its return, if you are a survivor. Let's see how exercise reduces the risk of breast cancer and gives you other health benefits.

How much exercise is effective?
One hour walk to an mph from 2 to 3 step reduces the risk of a little. Three to five hours a week to walk gives you the most protection from breast cancer. You could vary from task-switching – try jogging, hiking, swimming, cycling or other activities that get you moving. Dr. Michelle Holmes brings in its breast cancer research survivor who spent 3 to 5 hours every week (or about half an hour per day) doing exercise had the best survival rates. And for the prevention of breast cancer recurrence, the American Cancer Society recommends that exercise for 30 to 45 minutes, at least five days each week.

Here's how exercise reduces the risk
Regular exercise and a diet low in fat and high in fruits and vegetables lowers the levels of estradiol and estrone, two types of estrogens. Even if women need estrogen to grow and build strong bones, overexposure of estrogen can lead to breast cancer. Eighty percent of all breast cancers are fueled by estrogen. Exercise is a natural way to reduce the levels of estrogen, and reduce other hormones and growth factors that can cause breast cells turn into cancer.

Be sedentary lifestyle increases the risk
Physical inactivity can contribute to growth in several types of cancer –-colon cancer, postmenopausal breast cancer, endometrial cancer, kidney cancer and cancer of the oesophagus. Women who are overweight, produce and store more estrogen in their bodies of women who have a healthy low body mass index (BMI). Increased exposure to estrogen and breast cancer risk are linked, because the type of estrogen receptor positive is the most common type of breast cancer. Obese women have a greater amount of breast tissue, and is harder to detect breast cancer in women, obese than women lean. This can lead to the recognition at a later stage of the cancer when it is more difficult to treat.

Every body will benefit
Studies have shown that survivors of breast cancer status of any age or menopause may reduce the risk of recurrence and improving their survival rates. Women who have had breast cancer experienced a estrogen receptor positive benefit from exercise, because the exercise lowered estrogen levels naturally. But women who have had the hormone receptor negative breast cancer also benefited from the exercise, when it was associated with a diet with high content of fruits and vegetables. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology has reported that exercise reduced mortality from all causes in breast cancer survivors by 50%, when combined with a healthy diet. These results were real women lean and obese, although obese women had more problems sticking to a healthy diet.

Other benefits of exercise
Reduce the risk of breast cancer is just one of the advantages of doing regular exercise. Also improves mood, raise self-esteem and gives a better picture of the body. Doing your exercise improves muscle tone, strength and endurance. Exercise protects you by reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It can help you reduce weight, which in turn, reduces the risk of breast cancer due to obesity.

Bottom line
If you are trying to prevent breast cancer or recover from treatment, exercise extends survival. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can improve your overall health and psychological benefits as well. Find an exercise or a program that can stick with, or visit your local gym and a-class – this is your chance to take that class of belly dancing or learn Zumba. Undertake to maintain and improve your health to reduce the risk of breast cancer.


American Cancer Society. Exercise can improve survival of breast cancer. Updated: 2005/05/25.

Journal of the American Medical Association (vol. 293, no. 20: 2479-2484). Michelle Holmes, MD, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and women's Hospital in Boston.

Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 25, no. 17 (June 10): pp., 2007 2345-2351. John p. Pierce, et al, increased survival after breast cancer in women physically active with fruits vegetables high suction regardless of obesity.

Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 25, no. 17 (June 10): pp., 2007 2335-2337. Rachel Ballard-Barbash. Is the whole greater than the sum of parts? The promise of combining diet and physical activity to improve the results of cancer.

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Chemo Primer Tips

If you are going to go for the first cycle of chemotherapy, you can have lots of questions and concerns. Here are some tips on what to do in order to have a good experience and avoid problems later.

Two or three hours before infusion, eat light and make your choices high fiber. Chemo drugs tend to slow peristalsis (processes of digestion and bowel), so that whatever you eat may be in your digestion for more time than usual and will dry out. Eat a high fiber snack helps, since fiber helps retain moisture in the bowels. Drink plenty of water or sports drink (and avoid caffiene) to increase your electrolytes. Stay hydrated helps your cells chemo drugs through the process faster.

Before each round of chemo, you will have a blood test called a complete blood count: CBC. This will show the counts for your red and white blood cells, in comparison with healthy counts. If the counts are too low, you might not be sure having chemo. Ask the nurse to see the results of the CBC and explain them to you. Request a copy and keep it with the records in your notebook.

Each infusion chemotherapy includes a mix of drugs. Some are actually cancer-killing drugs, other medications that help the side effects of allieviate. Ask questions about all the medicines:

What is this? What are the side effects can have? What is this desire? As against this? Who do I call if I have problems with this? How you can help kill cancer cells?

Chemo drugs are very drying to the tissues of your body, and the drug will travel to each cell that you have. Right after the infusion drink 8 ounces of water every hour until bedtime. Avoid caffiene, who is also drying and may lead to feel worse. Another advantage of this very clean drinking water is that will help your body to process and chemo drugs flush out your system before, so that you can begin to recover soon, too.

After you've had your first infusion, it can feel quite well for you drive home, but if not, you will have a support person-a chemo buddy-go with her drive, take notes and to stay home with you. This person can help you keep track of taking medications after chemo, drink plenty of fluids, noting any reactions they may have and be emotionally supportive if you need that. Your support person could also bring along a movie or a good book to read to you.

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Friday, February 18, 2011


A quadrantectomy is a type of breast cancer surgery. It is also called a partial or segmental mastectomy. A quadrantectomy requires the removal of more breast tissue than Lumpectomy, but the majority of your breast.

Quadrantectomy-a Breast-conservation
During a quadrantectomy, the surgeon removes a quarter of your chest. The surgeon will bring out the tumor and 2-3 cm of surrounding breast tissue, to be sure that the margins surrounding the tumor are clear of cancer. Skin lying during that quarter of thy womb, and also removes some of the muscles of the chest wall, under the tumor, also may need to take. Lymph nodes that are closer to the tumor is removed and tested for cancer cells, how will your cancer, skin and tissue around the tumor. You may need a drain to help with healing after surgery.

Dealing with a new form
A quadrantectomy will change the size and shape of your breasts. After recovery, you can enter some additional padding in your bra to balance your appearance. You can also have a plastic surgeon to remodel the chest in a smaller size, with a natural form, and this is best done before starting any other treatments such as radiation or chemotherapy. Radiation will change the texture of the skin in the area during the surgery, and chemotherapy your body may not have the resources to properly heal from surgery. Your skin will have a scar incision and will change in texture, but if the cure for the engraving, it fades in a small line with time.

Restoring symmetry
After surgery, your breasts will no longer be a matching pair. If you want to balance the size of your chest post-surgical intact with your chest, you might consider having a breast reduction breast made healthy. This would also balance the weight of your breasts to the muscles of the chest and back.

If the tumor is large, or is a type of invasive cancer, mastectomy may be needed.

American Cancer Society. Step-by-step guide: breast cancer. Surgery for breast cancer. Revision: 09/13/2007.

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